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You woke up as a light spilled into the room, the sun rising over the houses, causing it to hit the room you were in. You grumbled, trying to hide your face from the light in a stiff surface. You nuzzled you face into it, taking a breath in, through your nose. It smelled li- Katsuki.

You immediately sat up and fell off the bed, looking at Katsuki in surprise. He was still fast asleep, until you hit the ground with a thud, yelping slightly in pain and confusion. He opened his eyes to see you on the ground, staring at him. He yawned, still waking. "Wh-What time is it?" He asked you, yawning again, you still stared at him. "Hoy, I asked you a question." He spat, sitting up, and stretching. His arms flexed as he stretched, causing your eyes to bulge.

'Nope nope nope!' You screamed in your mind, grabbing your clothes, and running to the restroom. You couldn't find it, so you continued to run around, and panting. Katsuki's mom stepped out of her room, and you immediately collided with her, as you fell. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Mrs. Bakugou." You stuttered, picking up your stuff, and bowing in apology as she patted your head, and smiled. "Can you show me to the restroom, I need to change, since this shirt has blood on it." You asked as she nodded, pointing you to the restroom, and yawning, as you walked over.

You walked into the restroom, and closed the door, as you began changing. You took off your old shirt, and stared at it for a little, looking at the damage you did. It would not come off, and it would stain. You sighed as you continued changing, until you heard the door squeak open. You were halfway through putting your new shirt on, when you saw a shirtless Katsuki in the door, staring at you. His eyes bulged, as he inhaled quickly, about to say something, but you glared at him in anger and embarrassment.. "K-KATSUKI!" You screamed as you kicked the door shut, your face boiling in the bathroom. You finished changing, pulling your socks on, and walked out the restroom, happy to find no Katsuki standing there.


Little did you know, Katsuki was getting lectured by his mother about manners and knocking on doors before you entered, and wearing shirts when guests were there. He was going to take a shower, and he thought you had gone back to your house, and you had left. He stomped out of his mom's room, grumbling to himself. "How was I supposed to know she would be changing. She should of locked the door, like most people do." He slouched, stomping to the kitchen, and beginning to make toast. He remembered you were still here, and looked to his room. He walked through the door to his room, to find you going through your stuff. "Hey."

You squealed from fright, not knowing he was there. You turned to him, standing up quickly, as you stared at him, your face still red from embarrassment. "H-HI!" You screamed, turning back around to your bag, and trying to pack up your things as quick as possible. He stared at you confused. "S-Sorry for intruding!" You squeaked, finishing packing your stuff, as you turned to him again. You could hear Katsuki's mom walking towards his room, and you just wanted to get out of there. You began walking quickly to the door, looking in your bag, putting your phone away, as you tripped on something. You fell forward, into Katsuki's face.

You realized you fell into a kiss, as he almost fell with you in his arms, as you looked over his shoulder, to see his mom standing there, staring at you. You immediately pulled back, Katsuki still not letting go, as they both stared at you. "I-I am so sorry. I tripped, and I fell, and I kissed you, and I didn't mean to, and your mom is here, and now I am uncomfortable, and-" You quaked, your body beginning to shake. You realized that you were shaking, after Katsuki shook you slightly.

"Snap out of it Y/N, you are being a complete fucking weirdo." He said as he stopped shaking you, his mom laughing heartly in the background, as she continued walking. You looked down at your bag clenched in your hands again, as Katsuki shook you again, as you lurched forward, and almost face-planted into his chest. Your felt like global warming x 200. " What are you doing?" He snapped, shaking you again. "You are not acting normal okay?" He said, lifting you off the ground, as you snapped your head to his, as he shook you continuously. "Snap out of it!" He spat again, as you realized how off you were acting. You stared at him, and nodded, as he put you down. "Good." He fumed.

I'm Just Your Problem//Katsuki Bakugou X Reader (discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ