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"SSSMMMASSSSHHH!" All Might yelled, crashing through the wall, as a flood of heroes came in. You smiled, as you and Katsuki landed about 20 feet away from where you jumped, which was now covered in debris.

"All Might!" You yelled in relief. You saw Kamui woods capture a bunch of the group, as someone named Gran Torino kicked Dabi in the face. He deserved it.


"So that press conference... The timing, it was all planned?"

"It must of been scary.... You did well to endure. I'm sorry my boy... It's okay now!" All might said to the boy you were holding to keep yourself up currently.

"I'M NOT SCARED, I AM FUCKIN CALM! DAMN IT!" Katsuki retorted, as you let go of him. Falling forwards slightly.

"Damn, we went to such lengths... Why the hell has the last boss hunted us down, isn't it usually the other way around, right?" Hand man said, his eyes drilling holes into the symbol of peace. "I've got no choice." Tomura started. "'It's not just us' you say... The same goes for us two. Kurogiri. BRING AS MANY OF THEM HERE AS YOU CAN! BRING THE NOUMU!" Hand man yelled, as you got a bad feeling in your gut. Then there was this awkward silence.

"What?" You questioned, confused at everything that was going on. The awkward silence hung like a rope, as Tomura stayed holding his hands out, getting ready for his evil plot to fall into place.

"I'm sorry Shigaraki Tomura... But the Noumus that should be at the designated location, aren't there." Portal man said. You felt a huge smile overtake your face, as you bursted out laughing. You knew that the Noumus were the only thing that could really counter All Might that they talked about in that room.

"What the hell, Y/N?" Katsuki questioned, as All Might put a hand on his shoulder, as you leaned over cracking up.

"As I thought, you are still just a greenhorn... Shigaraki!" All Might boomed from next to you. It seems he has yet to notice the fact you were there, probably since they had declared you dead and all. You remembered hearing about that on the television. It hurt, but it was better if they didn't try to find you, and get hurt. "You, the villain alliance, have underestimated too much... This boy's spirit... the diligent investigation of the police... AND..." All Might continued. "OUR FURY!! NO MORE GAMES. IT ENDS HERE SHIGARAKI TOMURA!" All Might declared.

You saw Hand man clench his teeth behind his hand mask. "It ends here you say? Don't joke with me... We've only just gotten started." Tomura started. "Justice... Peace... This rubbish heap society capped by such vague concepts... I will destroy it... And I'll start by removing the cap that is all might. I've only just begun to gather comrades... Nonsense... This is just the beginning. KUROG-" He began to yell.

"UUFGH..." Portal man, now known as Kurogiri sounded.


"KYAAAA!! NOOOOO!! WHAT JUST HAPPENED? I DIDN'T SEE A THING! IS HE DEAD?" The girl villain said. She kind of creeped you out, at the fact she acted like a 7 year old child, while she was probably older than you.

"I played around inside a little bit. He's stunned. He won't die." A man with a- WHAT THE HECK! HIS HEAD SEEMED TO BE FLOATING, ON LIKE PAPER.

'He must be able to turn into paper. Imagine all of the tests he could cheat on with that quir- No, not the time to be thinking about that.' You thought to yourself.

"I took note of the weak points you exposed in the past!" Paper guy said, doing a finger gun at Katsuki. It seemed no one really noticed you were there, besides the boy himself. I guess they thought you were dead. You did kind of look like it. Your body was all recked up, and you had dried blood all over you, and you looked like a zombie.

I'm Just Your Problem//Katsuki Bakugou X Reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now