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You made your way to class, trying to disregard the events that had just happened. As you entered the class, you saw almost everyone there, as Katsuki glanced at you, and then looked away, steaming. You looked down, and walked to a seat that had your name. It was next to Katsuki's...

'Thanks life', you thought to yourself 'You place me next to the person who seems like he could kill me at any second he wants to.' You sat down, and dropped your stuff, trying your best to avoid any contact with Katsuki. He was honestly like a ticking time bomb that you could only stop by letting him get his way. Katsuki then put his feet on the table, causing a new classmate of yours to yell at him about respect and such.

You honestly zoned out, wanting to be alone to think in the quiet for a moment. You then heard the door open, and Izuku walked in, looking terrified as he stared at Katsuki and the blackish-blue haired kid yelling at each other. Izuku was immediately crowded by the class, all praising him about something. You smiled at him, as he looked at you, but his eyes trailed to your chin and shoulders, seeing the burn marks.

He walked over to you, with complete worry in his face and eyes. "Y/N, what happened to you?" He questioned, as you put your hands out trying to wave the question away. As you were about to begin speaking, he grabbed the hand that had tried to stop Katsuki earlier the morning. You forgot that there was an impressive burn on it. Izuku frowned deeply, as he looked back up at you, and showed you your own hand. "This is a burn. Who did this?" His eyes seemed so angry. Why?

"It wasn't anything Izuku. I tripped in my house and knocked over the boiling water I was using to make lunch." You straight out lied to him, not wanting to because any more trouble. You yanked your hand back as politely as possible. Katsuki eyed you from the side, as you turned back to your desk, as Izuku still stood there. A frog looking girl walked up to you, and grabbed your hand. You looked at her with confusion, as she stuck her tongue out, and licked your hand. "WHAT TH- WHO ARE YOU! WHY ARE YOU LICKING MY HAND! WHAT THE H-" You started, as the frog girl looked at you with disappointment.

"The name is Tsuyu Asui, and this isn't from any water burn. This is from explosions or fire." She stared at you, then shrugged at sat back down. You looked at her with fury. Why would she go an out you like that? You didn't even know this girl, and then she goes and ruins your cover. Your heart started to drum in your chest, causing you to breath fast. You stood up, and took a step back, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. You didn't know if your heart could take this.

"Explosions?" Izuku repeated, as you swung your head to him, your eyes bulging out of your face. You did not want Katsuki to get exposed, because then he would probably get mad at you for ruining his rep, and then he would kill you, and what would everyone say! Your mind started spinning, as you swore in at least a few seconds you would faint from nervousness.

You started to yell out any nonsense that would make sense. "MY HANDS DIDN'T RECOVER FROM THE BEGINNING TEST BECAUSE THE NURSE PERSON DIDN'T WANT TO KILL ME, AND THE SHOULDER THING IS BECAUSE I WAS TRYING A STYLISTIC CHOICE OF BURNING IT, BUT FORGOT THAT CLOTHES ARE FLAMMABLE!" You stammered as everyone in the class looked at you with confusion. Your face started to heat up, making it feel like your burn was still on fire. Everyone kept their eyes on you, until a man in a sleeping bag walked in.

He did his introductions, as you sat down, hiding your face in your hands, feeling eyes burning holes on your back. You hated all of the attention, and you just wanted to crawl away. Attention was fine sometimes, but not when it could almost get you killed by the boy sitting next to you in class. You looked to him, and he was staring straight at you. Your eyes locked with his, as you began to shake. Your hands felt clammy, and you just wanted to go and hide. He looked so angry, you thought we could, and would, kill you at any second.

I'm Just Your Problem//Katsuki Bakugou X Reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now