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Be proud of me my reader-sans, I wrote more than usual again, and it is my 4th time updating in like 24 hours, so yay!

Be warned, language


The villains continued flooding through the purple like mist, coming out of nowhere, and looking up at the group of students and the two teachers. After a few minutes, all of the villains had flooded out, but you could only keep your eye on the man with a hand over his face. Rage boiled up inside you, since you knew that this man was the leader of this ambush. You felt confidence rush inside your blood, as you began to walk to the edge of the stairs, looking down on many of the people.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE VILLAINS!" You boomed from above, causing a few of them to snap their heads your way, and laugh. "ANSWER MY QUESTION!" You screamed from above, rage becoming more prominent in your mind. You felt your hate of villains continue to grow with each passing millisecond. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?!" You spat again, getting more frustrated with the unresponding group of villains.

"YOU, COME DOWN HERE!" One of the villains shouted. You tried to see where the voice came from, but you began walking forward on your own demand.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING Y/N! THEY ARE GOING TO KILL YOU!" One of your classmates shouted.

"Y/N! This isn't funny! Come back!" Another one.

"WHY!" One familiar classmate yelled. You turned around to see it was the only Katsuki Bakugou. "Y/N, THEY ARE TAUNTING YOU! DON'T BE A FUCKING IDIOT! THEY CAN KILL YOU!" He screamed, getting almost as worked up as you.

"He's here." You stated, as you turned around again. "The man I need to destroy, he is here!" You yelled, as Katsuki's eyes widened. No one else knew about your parents being killed, or how someone tried to cover it up, or anything like that. They just thought it was some stupid grudge, as one of them tried to chase you, and Katsuki caught them by the back of their outfit.

"She isn't going to stop. This is the reason she is here." Katsuki gritted his teeth, looking down at your moving figure, as you got closer to the group of villains.

As soon as you got to the last few steps of the stairs, only a few steps away from the villains, you stopped walking, and glared at them. "WHICH ONE OF YOU KILLED M/N AND D/N L/N!" (Mother's name and Dad's name) You spat. "WHOEVER IT IS, WALK FORWARDS RIGHT NOW!" You angrily spat at the group, as the man with the hand over his face began to walk forwards. As soon as he was a few feet away from you, he stopped walking. "I-IT WAS YOU!" You yelled, tears beginning to prick your eyes.

"Y/N! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" A classmate yelled from up above. It sounded like Izuku, but you didn't care.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! DO YOU KNOW HOW TERRIBLE IT IS TO FIND YOUR PARENTS DEAD IN YOUR OWN HOUSE? TO FIND OUT THEY HAVE BEEN DEAD FOR TWO YEARS, AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW!" You spat at the man, as he stared at you with one eye, not moving whatsoever. Tears fell down on the ground, by your feet, as your power began to activate, creating small swirls of wind passing by you and the man with the hands.

"YOUNG L/N, GET BACK HERE!" The space like hero yelled from above, but you again ignored them, the wind around you getting stronger. The man with the hands looked at you, as the wind flew through his hair, as he looked impressed.

"A wind quirk huh?" He stated, seemingly pleased.

"It's air manipulation you mother-fucker!" You spat back, the wind around you picking up and swirling more.

"Oh, is it now." He smirked, as he turned to the group. "Spare this one. She is coming with us." He ordered, as villains began walking towards you, trying to capture you. "She seems to have what we were looking for in a, new recruit." He said as a person lunged at you, and you dodged and launched yourself up a few steps with your quirk.

I'm Just Your Problem//Katsuki Bakugou X Reader (discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें