cнapтer 2.

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~Maттнewѕ pov~

After mandy yelled at me i asked a strange question "You know about.." I didnt except this anwser at all "Of course i know im apart of it. I can smell it on people" and at that moment i was about to cry my sweet mandi was already into this. But why did she say she can smell them. I need to get her to the salvatores right away. We dont need another bitch like Klaus or blonde headed klaus to start on our trail. If only i knew what she was. One way to find out........

~ Arabella's point of view~

Looking at my cousin pissed off is an understatement. I litterally want to rip his head off his body. "We're going to the salvatores" i chocked on my spit " salvatores you mean as violetta's sisters ex boyfriends"  Now i really wanted to go back home "Who is Violetta" he said ~SHE IS MY QUEEN~  i wanted to say but i said " Duh my best friend thats a awesome 500 something vampire" he looked shocked then grabbed my hand pulling me to his car " Woah woah atleast buy me dinner first " i said jokingly "Arebella lets just go" he said ~manotis likeytis mosis~ and we skiped most of the ride and walking up the stairs.  I knocked on the door like this "Knock knock tic toc-" i was interrupted by a sexy blonde guy. I bit my lip hardly. "Hello, love" damn he is so hot. Now im just acting creepy. My wolf was screaming at me 'MATE' holy shit. This is my mate. ~ he is a sexy brit damn i need to fuck him now ~ i leaned to his ear " I dont want a greeting. I want you naked in a bed." I said teasingly before walking in. Then something unexpected happened. I mean like super weird and awkward. I saw triplets "VI TO THE SI" I screamed and jumped on her so fast we both fell to the ground "Ughh you know i hate you calling me that mani" i only let vi call me by my middle name.  Then something else weird happened. Stefan freaking Salvatore. Just kissed Me. Me being me pushed him off and slaped him "Why in the hell did you do that." I was about to scream but then my baby came on the radio "OH MY GOD MY BABY " singing to justin bieber was like a must.  But it was caught off by my mate " Love i think you need to come upstairs with me" Since it was about 6:00 at night i really didnt mind. I ran upstairs before i was rudely slammed on the wall. "Your mine now, love" He said. He kissed and sucked on my neck before. Lets just say alot of pleasurable screams were from me that night. Well i sound proff the room when i first started moaning. I mean sex like that my god.

Cold Waтer ~ Klaυѕ Mιĸaelѕon Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt