every story has an end

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A few more years after that both Frisk and Chara graduated and got jobs .Frisk a baby sitter and writer and Chara working at there old high school as a PE.teacher.

They were both somewhat busy but always made time for each other and there two kids 😉. Charlie and Frieda. Undyne and Alphys also had a kid as well named Alfred. Who always plays with the two and would sometimes spend the night at Frisk and Chara's home.
Charlie always was the confident one that would always wanted to go to work with Chara and who always want to fight and become strong and would hang around papyrus and help him make eatable food. While Frieda would always play leader and Flirt alto . she was also very determined to keep people smiling and would be goofy and always tackle Chara and Frisk when they would come home but mostly. Would always be flirting with Alfred . and the group from Toriel to Sans promised to always be near when needed or just to be there as family .
And that was Frisk and Chara's tale...but maybe ....

Its just the start to a new generation.....

Ok so that's the end of this story . and I'm glade you wolfs have been enjoying the ride as Frisk and Chara go from lovers to having a family of there own but wait there's more... I might make a sequel to this book but with the kids writing there own story as they go on

Well let me know what you think in the comments and

Howl at the moonlight pups 🌕🐕

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