Goat mom Is best mom

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Chara's POV

"hmmm, feels warm and fuzzy, it's really comfy" I hear the kid on my back mumble snuggling more into my back, I blush at the comment keeping a note to ask g-mom if she could make the girl a sweater like mine.

Just as my blush stars to cool down Torial comes outside. "Oh my,child are you sick, you seem to be blushing more then normal? Besides that, Asreal told me what had happened." Mom says
Tutorial and Chara walk into the house, I lay the girl gently onto my bed covering them with my checkered pattered blanket leaving to talk to my mom about the sweater.

( time skip)

????? pov

"where am I", I think while robbing my eyes, I take a big stretch cracking my back, standing up a bit to fast and fall forwards with a thud and a groan followed.

Chara's Pov

*Thud..* "What was that ? " mom asks me to worry clear in her voice " I'm guessing are gust has finally awoken, I'm going outside. You should also give'em the sweater. chara says walking out

Total's Pov

I knock on the bedroom door that the girl is in holding a med kit " excuse me my child can I come in? 'I hear the door click and open, seeing the child sitting on Chara's bed with a whiteboard and marker. " hello child what's that you got there? " she shows me what she wrote ' it's a board so people can understand me' " oh can you not speak? " a minute later' I can, my voice is very low though' it seemed like she notest the med kit and pointed at it." hmm what is this for? " they nod " its for you my child"
she tilts her head " Chara, the one who bought you hear said you hurt your leg so I'm going to help you if you want. " they give me a thumbs up" can you please Chang into these so I can wash your clothes. You can also wash up if you like, the bathroom is across the hall ." she nods "hear you go" I give her a white tank top and blue sweats and walk out.

???? pov

I take a shower and put my sweater on so I can go back to the room without being seen. It's not like I was completely naked I had my underwear and bra on. After I crossed and took my sweater off. I notest I was still wet and I start putting on the white tank top, facing away from the door, only my arms in over my head when I hear a
* click *

Chara's Pov

I walk into the house only wanting to lay on a bed and check on the girl. Mom was in the living room, I guess she's making the sweater for our guess. I walk down the hall to my room, putting my hand on the handle I twist my hand and open the door with a *click*


( I could leave it off with a cliffhanger put seeing how I'm just going to keep right I just might, ya I will)

( I could leave it off with a cliffhanger put seeing how I'm just going to keep right I just might, ya I will)

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