Frisk's care

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Wow l was just on hear a few minutes ago, this at 21 views then I read two chaps of a different story and see it has 35 ....... how dose that happen? as thanks hears an extra and early chapy

Last time.... their was a flex contest and I strike the best poss I could muster up while winking.
frisk passes out and mom gives a seven

"Chara I think we killed frisk with are hotness" Asreal joked
charas pov

"Mabe it was a bad idea to have that comparison with someone sick as a judge" I say laying frisk down in bed.
"naw maybe we're just to hot for are own good,maybe we should go cool down in snowned-in "Asreal jokes before laying in his bed. I lay down next to frisk we were already in are p.j's.

(torial's pov- the next morning)
I walk in to the kids room to get asreal ,he was in a ball facing the wall. I look across the room at Chara and frisk, sleeping soundly.

I woke Asreal so he could shower eat and go to school.
"Asreal hears your lunch .we still got ten minutes till school, would you like to leave early?
" ya ok" he answers a bit uncertain " are you not sure my child? " I ask with a bit of concern" yeah, I wish I could play with them" he answers looking down

Frisks pov

I woke up hearing a steady heart beat, and warmth. Then I got up a bit mad at myself for not being able to fall back to sleep. "Chara,Chara, wake up, chara~" I said in his ear hoping he would hear me.That didn't work but my leg felt as good as new , then I got a devilish idea. I remember how they  woke me up, so payback?
~~~~~~a~bit~of ~fluf~~~~~
I lay back down making sure to have my mouth  by his ear so he would be able to hear me, then I slide my hand under his shirt near his belli button and start rubbing the tips of my fingers slowly and in a circle like pattern, then I whisper aka talk normally but slower,seductively (?) ( idk, I just know it feels weird when something brushes over my stomach ) "Chara~~~~wake up~~~ "
Chara shoots up blinking away his dazz away before giving me an evil look ( A/N not his scary, just a sort of ticked face)
"What.The.Heck Frisk? don't ever do that .Ever..... hold on you talked" Chara says flipping out about that. I lean close to his ear noticing him blush then I say in my whisper like voice, "Ya I can talk...but you know what ,I've never talked this much with someone so, I guess in a way your special." then I start to lay back down.

Charas pov

Frisk starts leaning closer and closer to me , I feel my face
grow darker with red. When Frisk was by my ear I heard her say, "
Ya I can talk, but you know what I've never talked this much with someone so, I guess in a way your special."
There voice was so soft,like a whisper and sweet like covered in fresh honey (I think you were all thinking I was going to say chocolate)" why'd you whisper it in my ear? " Frisk sits up and writes down on her bored, ' I didn't, that how loud my normal voice is.' she wrights,  laying back down  " oh. You think you can just wake me up and go back to sleep? .... yes? well you. Are.Mistaken"
I get out the bed then drag frisk to the living room. once we got there I saw mom laughing and ...... and. .... "What's the smi-Comedian Doing Hear? !?!?!?! " I shout dropping the top of frisk's shirt " who's that with you kiddo? " sans asks ignoring my question. Frisk stand up and shouts at me I think? "Chara what the heck was that for why'd you drop me I'm already hurt as it is????" "hahahaaha!!!" I start to laugh at frisk efforts in yelling. She walks back in the room then comes out with her board and marker , and holds it up, I read out loud" what are you laughing at ????!?!!!?!.. well I'm laughing at the fact that you can't yell" " am I a jerk? for laughing at you?"

she nods yes before coughing up a storm.When she moves her hand there was a small puddle of blood. my smile instantly goes and a frown instantly in its place. mom gasps ,sans sockets go black and Asreal looks wide eyed. wow did I really just call the smiling old fool by his real name? 0-o Now's not the time for that. I pull Frisk in to a tight embrace puting my hand under my sweater rubbing circles on her back . My bangs covering my eyes as Frisk raps her arms around me, motionless, it was dead silent for about 9 minutes later sa- the smiley fool brakes the silent, " What .just. happened? " frisk pulls away,Wright's, and holds there board up. " Sorry about that I guess it been a bit scents I talked this much and my throat couldn't take it" I read out loud "it's okay you don't gotta apologize" I respond rustling her already messy hair. " well I should be back later for now I goat a take these two to school" Comedian says teleporting off with mom and Aszy. I walk in to my room caring frisk over my shoulder .I sit down and set frisk on my
lap, as frisk looks up at me,her eyes slightly  open, I feel heart grow to a ragging roar, casing my soul to come out.

Frisks pov

as I look up I open my eyes to exam Chara's features more I see a dark blush and something , a dark red soul next to him it looks too have a few cracks. I crawl off of his lap to get a better look at it, chara must have notest and quickly grabs it. I sit down chris-cross ,it seemed quite enough for me to be able to be header  when I talk and my throat felt a bit better  so I ask, "Chara can I hold it, can I hold your soul? ?" Chara looks at me confused
"why? " I try and do my best puppy dog face opening my eyes more from slightly closed " please Chara~~~" he rolls his eyes and hands it to me

To Be Continued........


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