• Chapter Three: My Fairy What Now? °

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° Chapter Three: My Fairy What Now? °

They actually went on with the wedding.

I don't even care about them anymore really. The annoying twins are excitedly moving into their new rooms here, already planning out their room decor as we speak. Their rooms are literally across from mine- ugh.

I almost tripped on both of my feet, letting out a curse under my breath. I glare at the thing that almost caused my clumsy death.

Dramatic? Yep, pretty much.

The thing lets out a strained Meow! I never had a cat, Why? Because they always hate me apparently.

"Stupid cat." I mutter under my breath, glaring at him/her. If any sain person came to see this, they would've thought I was having a stare down with the it.

Which isn't a lie-

Someone interrupts our stare down, by picking up it,"Oh! I've seen you've already met Angel here." Victoria says chuckling, cooing the little white monster while it purs in delight.

"Angel?" I asked in disbelief, when I said that the cat hissed at me.

The feelings mutual bud.

Dad comes into view, with a panicked look on his face. Hurriedly putting his tie on,"I'm already late for work, hope you get settled in quickly," he says before pecking Victoria on the lips. And before I could protest, he planted a kiss on my forehead.

When he left, I roughly wiped it away like if it were some kind of disease. Victoria looks at me amused.

"What's so funny?" I deadpanned.

"Nothing, nothing." she quickly dismess me off with a knowing smile.

"I so can't wait to start school!" Natasha gushed into Juliet, while walking by me to the stairs.

Wait, they're transferring schools? In plain December?

Thank baby Jesus for homeschooling then.


"Ella!" Both Natasha and Juliet yell for me, when I simultaneously passed both of their rooms.

I was eating cookies that I had made from scratch, Chef Buhu would have been proud. There's a 50 percent chance I may look like a hamster while eating them though.

"Yes?" I said in a sweet voice, after gulping down my milk. My 'nice' talk took both girls by surprise.

"Uh," Natasha seems confused. Oh, how I wish I had a camera with me right now to capture this moment.

"We were wondering if you'll like to go shopping with us?" Juliet asked nicely.

Soon my sweet facade disappeared, replaced my favorite one- a glare,"Fat chance." I told them bluntly, before walking towards my room that's across from them and slamming the door shut in their faces.

Ha, the joy.


As soon an hour has passed, I get out of my room cautiously. I was sure that those two pretty-dumb-butts have already left to go shop.

Til they drop.

While I pass the brat's room for the unfifth time, walking aimlessly through this poor-of-excuse mansion. I almost stumble against Angel, again.

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