Chapter one

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Armin took Eren by the wrist and practically dragged the taller male behind him. The music of the club increasingly got louder and Eren increasingly struggled more. Eren sat down making it almost impossible for Armin to take the brunette with him. "Come on Eren stop being stubborn!" He yelled. "Bite me." Eren said crossing his toned arms and pouting like a five year old who didn't get what he wanted from the store.



"Come o-"

"Not a chance."

Why won't y-"

"Over my dead body Armin."


Armin shouted startling Eren profusely. "Hear me out, okay? How do you know for sure that your mate will be female? So far you haven't fallen in love with a woman yet, so how the hell do you know its not a guy?" He asked proving a point but then again it could be and was reversed as Eren parted his lips to speak. "Well I also haven't fallen in love with a guy either so how would you know that its a guy?"

Armin shrugged and went into deep thought. "Just humor me, its my birthday tomorrow so can you just do what I ask for once?" He started, "you won't have to get me a present." He said in a sing song tone.

"Fine... Help me up." Eren said reluctantly. Armin held out his hand and helped the taller boy up. Then showed their IDs to a tall intimidating man at the front. They walked in the the club/ bar and walked straight towards the bar counter. They opened up a tab and ordered their drinks. Eren got a beer and Armin got maskato (20% pussy shit). Once the drinks got there you could instantly tell that Armin doesn't know how to drink properly as he gulped down the glass in a matter of seconds.


"I'm gonna go to the bathroom okay? *hic*" Armin said and he got up stumbling over to the bathroom. Eren laughed at how he was such a light drinker. He turned to look around at the rest of the booming club. On the dance floor the girls were dancing on each other and the guys did the same. He wondered for a moment -what if his mate is in this club? He could be finding he or she right now. His eyes wondered across the dance floor.

She's pretty but she already has the mark showing she has kissed her mate before. When you kiss your mate on the lips you both get a tattoo of your mates animal. What about her? No she didn't appeal to him the way the books said she was supposed to. when you find your mate they appeal to you in every way and nothing is better than being around them. The books said that to you they would be perfect inside and out no matter what. The words of the books Eren had read danced across his mind as he scanned to room.

Nothing. No one truly appeals to him... Of course why would a straight girl come to a gay bar? Unless, perhaps his mate was male instead of female. It dosnt matter what the mates gender is its a match made by fate and bound by lust. With that thought in mind he rescanned the room looking for guys when he suddenly got a thought. Where did Armin go? Eren got up from the bar stool leaving a butt shaped mark indented in the cushion from him sitting for too long. He walked in the direction of the bathroom, simultaneously pulling out his phone to check how long it has been since Armin went to the bathroom. It's been an hour and a half?!

He opened the door to the men's bathroom and stepped in. "Armin?... Armin?" He was nowhere to be found! Armin had gone home with some guy and ditched Eren. But of course this also means Eren didn't have to stay here. He looks over heads to try and find the exit sign. No use. This place was huge, he had no idea where he was. After what felt like days Eren gave up looking so he decided to ask someone. He tapped on a man's shoulder and he turned around.

He was shorter than Eren, he was a ravenette with dark gray eyes and pale skin. He reminded Eren of something... He couldn't quite put his finger on it though. Most think of their mate as something known as an Angel - the essence of a perfect person. "Yes do you need something?" The man asked in a low tone and Eren shivered.  Their voices are like a smphany built just for your ears alone."Do you know where the exit is?" Eren asked timidly still looking the man up and down. He was beautiful in every god damn way.

Extreme beauty is all you see in them. He was wearing a black v-neck T-shirt that hugged his chest perfectly exposing his chest just a little, skin tight blue jeans that clung onto his thighs like a wet swim suit, his hair was an under cut shave and the longer pieces fell just over his temples framing his beautiful face perfectly, his eyes that can suck you in his skin that looked- and probably felt like silk, his barely colored lips parting slightly to say his next words.

"No, sorry but me and my friend here are suck too." The man said pointing to a girl who then pushed up her glasses and waved.

"Oh okay, well for now can I hang with you guys I don't wanna be alone in here."

"Yea sure! I'm Hanji and this is Levi." Hanji said excited.

"Okay well I'm Eren nice to meet you."

Hanji bought Eren a few light drinks. Now that Eren was buzzed him and Levi got into a conversation about god knows what.

"So Eren, what are you doing here if your not trying to find a male mate?"

"Well you see my friend brought me here, then he ditched me."

"Hey guys! I'm back with more drinks!" Hanji said handing the other two their drinks. "Also we should play truth or dare!" The two boys nodded at the idea just to humor the hyperactive woman. "Okay Eren you start." She said happily. "Okay... Truth or dare.... Hanji."

"... Truth."

"Awe no fun, *sigh* okay.... What's your job?"

"Scientist!" She said pushing up her glasses.

"Okay my turn then!" She started, "... Levi! Truth or dare?"

"Dare... Yolo."

"That was a huge! Huge mistake Levi because I dare you to go up and strip for all to see... Especially Eren." The people close to you or your mate will have the urge to keep you together.

He shrugged and went up to the man running the stage and told him about the dare. He wrote down his name and let him go on stage. "Next person on stage is a new comer! Levi!!"

"Hanji, why would I want to watch him though? I'm straight."

"You'll bend... They call him a crow bar for a reason." She said smiling.

"What? Yeah right."

"You'll see, just watch."

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