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Dave's POV
You vividly remember the day your plain, boring world turned into one of color and beauty. The first time you saw him. It was at your sister's 13th birthday party in New York. You and your brother were visiting due to some... Complications. The both of you stood off to the side, pretending that you were too cool for these kind of things, when really you were just awkward and didn't know anyone besides your two sisters. While you were doing your best to hide a face of terror behind one of indifference, Rose looked like she was having fun. At least, the most fun that a sarcastic teenager who may or may not perform the occasional satanic ritual can have. To sum things up, she's pretty much the best sister you could ever ask for.

At the time, she was intent on destroying her monstrosity of a piñata. It was designed to look like a crappy fancy wizard, so it was only natural for Rose to knock it down with just a few swings, then proceed to smash it into a pulp. A small smile cracked through your deadpan as you glanced around at the other kids' shocked expressions. As you scanned the kid's faces in the crowd, the sky had suddenly exploded into a bright, brilliant blue. You had anxiously looked around, searching for the only person who could've caused you to experience such a phenomenon. It hadn't taken long before your eyes settled on the back of someone's head. As you watched their raven locks blow in the slight breeze, you had known immediately that this was the one. Their entire body had seemed to glow with the same shade of blue as the sky, and you knew you just had to go over there and talk to whomever they were. You remember trying to move your legs, but when you found that you could barely even lift one foot off the ground, you simply gave up with a sigh and stayed rooted to the spot. You had presumed that this was probably all for the better, anyway. You were at your sister's birthday party after all, and that day was reserved for her and her alone. No one, not even you, should disturb it by giving your attention to some random person instead of your sibling. It was the least you could do at the time.

After a few minutes, Rose finally had to be dragged away from what was left of a once-hideous (but now indistinguishably ugly) wizard piñata. You watched as a few of the kids went up to the crime scene and attempted to salvage some of the candy that hadn't been completely destroyed. Roxy, the girl who had pulled Rose away from the crime scene and your half-sister, strolled over to the back door of the house, then emerged a few seconds later with some hot chick you had never seen before. Roxy and her attractive lady friend carried a beautiful purple cake and set it on a table before they called everyone over to partake in singing happy birthday to Rose. You had trudged over to the table, quietly sang along with everyone else, managed a barely-there smile for some pictures, and clapped when Rose blew out the candles. As the line for cake started to form, you had drifted away from the crowd before you found yourself a few feet away from your soulmate. You remember inhaling sharply when you noticed, but they had just looked at the cake before leaving to go indoors.

After nearly dying, you had noticed how out-of-place your brother, Dirk, looked. You walked over to him standing right between where the kids were and where the adults were. You knew he was even more uncomfortable than you were there, especially since he had taken on the responsibility of supporting you both. You figured he needed a break, and that Roxy and her good-looking gal pal could use another member to their crew, so you tapped Dirk on the shoulder to get his attention. "Hey bro, you should totes go chill with Roxy and that other chick over there. Y'all haven't seen each other in a while, and heck knows you could use a new friend." He had looked at you with the slightest hint of concern, a way of asking "Are you sure?" You 'replied' with a nod and a quirk of your head towards the duo. Dirk had given you a small, relieved smile and ruffled your hair. "Alright then, I will. Tell her you said hi, all that shi- I mean stuff." You snorted at his catch, remembering that you two were not exactly in the best place to be cursing. He had strolled over to the two girls, and soon enough they were all laughing at some joke he had just cracked.

"Hello brother. Are you enjoying yourself so far?" You had spun around to see Rose standing directly behind you, two plates of cake in her hands. She held one of the plates out to you, and you took it before properly acknowledging her. "Hey sis. Me, enjoying myself? At a public gathering? Please, I'm having one of the absolute greatest times of my life, 'specially with you being the only one I know here besides Rox." You remember playfully nudging her shoulder while she smiled mischievously. "Well then, if today isn't you lucky day. There seems to be quite an abundance of children around our age here, even if the majority were chosen by mother. Perhaps it is my turn to choose whom we should get accustomed with?" You shrugged, and ignored your fear of meeting new people. "Heck, why not. That girl with the long hair and glasses seems chill, plus she's all by herself." Rose looked over at the girl you mentioned, then nodded in approval. "Yes, the perfect victim for a friendship with us. I will be right back." She casually walked over to the girl, and tapped her on the shoulder. As they exchanged a quick conversation, you admired Rose's confidence for a short moment, before they started to head over towards you.

"So, Jade, this is my brother, with whom wishes to make an acquaintance with you. Dave, this is Jade. She also wishes to make friends with you." Jade's face was covered with tiny freckles, and her green eyes shone as she gave you the  friendliest buck-toothed grin. "Hi!" You cracked your first real smile of the day and held out your hand to Jade to shake. "Sup." The three of you had chatted for quite a bit, but eventually Rose had to bid farewell to go converse with her other guests. You continued to talk to Jade for the remainder of the party, in which you learned about a chat server called 'pesterchum'. She gave you her chumhandle, and helped you create yours. Jade also told you about her cousin, who was apparently at the party as well, but "probably hiding inside because he's a pussy". You received his chumhandle as well, and chatted some more until it was time for her to go. You helped clean up a bit, then retired to your room. Only then, after everything was over and everyone had gone home, did you feel a pain of regret for not talking to your raven haired soulmate.

~~~End flashback~~~

"Augh whyyy" You flop down on your bed, facepalming. That was your one chance, and you were too much of a fucking weenie to go up and talk to them. The guilt eats you alive every day, especially now that color has finally faded, and the sky is no longer the bright, cheerful blue that it once was.

Your name is Dave Strider, and you're beginning to believe that you might never see your soulmate again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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