Chapter 1

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*AN Please enjoy! I hope you like this little idea that came to me. *

Ginny's POV

Tonight is the night that Harry is being moved to the Burrow. Hopefully everything will go well. I over heard my mum talking concerns and things that could go wrong with my dad. He lovingly reassured her. And with a kiss goodbye was gone. I am sitting in my room sick with worry. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. But nothing bad is going to happen. The order will do everything in their power to protect Harry and each other. I can't even think about  him hurt. The thought pains me to my core.

    About 2 hours pass and we hear nothing. I moved downstairs to give Mum comfort she was pacing crazily. Now on the couch I try to distract myself by reading Witch Weekly. The words are read but turn blurry as my thoughts drift again to Harry. My eyes start to water and I sniff. My heart rate skips a beat. I shake my head,my long red hair cascading down my shoulders. I try to shake this bad feeling. I wipe my eyes and stand. My mother headed to the kitchen not long ago and I join her.

My mother is frozen in place.

"Mum? What is it?" I step towards her.

She looks out the window. "Some one's here. They're back."

We both rush to the font door. In the distant there are two figures heading our way. One is significantly tall and the other is average and his emerald eyes standout against the night sky.  I rush to Harry and hug him. He holds me tight against him and places a quick kiss on my cheek.

My mom is the first to speak, "Harry,Hagrid. Thank goodness you're safe."

"We were attacked. Molly it was bad." Hagrid states.

As we take in this news two more people arrive. It's Lupin and George. Lupin is struggling to help George walk. 

"HERE! Help." Lupin calls. Harry runs over to help carry what looks like a bloody George. My mum Hagrid and I follow.

"Oh my boy. My poor boy."

Lupin places George on the couch so my Mum can attend to him. Harry steps back and Lupin suddenly pulls and pushes Harry defensively against the wall, holding his wand to Harry's neck.

"What are you doing?!" I shout.

Lupin starts to question Harry. "What creature was in my office the first time Harry Potter stepped in my office at Hogwarts!?"

Harry shocked to be in this state doesn't answer right away causing Lupin to press more preassure on him.

Harry yells, "Are you mad?"

Lupin asks again, "What CREATURE?"

Harry shouts back, "A Grindlowy!"

His answer must have been correct because Lupin lets him go and says, " We've been betrayed. I had to make sure you weren't an impostor."

I sigh a sigh of relief as we hear more of the other arrive. This time its Kingsley. Lupin is the first to run forward but directs Harry and us to stay back.

Both Lupin and Kingsley raise their wands defensively at each other.

"What were the last words Albus Dumbledore said to the pair of us?" Kingsley asks.

"Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him." Lupin states. Both nod at each other and the start to question Harry.

Ron and Hermione arrive and A group hug is shared between them. Lupin is reunited with Tonks who hugs her tightly and whispers in her ear. Bill and Flur exchange a kiss. All this makes me long for more than a kiss on my cheek.

Dad and Fred are last to arrive.

"We're last? Where's George?" Fred takes a look at our expressions and heads inside. As do the rest of us.

My mother has George mostly cleaned up when we enter. There is a bloody hole where his ear used to be. Fred is at his side in a second. They exchange twin humor and I hear a bead ear joke and giggle to myself.  Bill steps forward to tell us Mad-eye died and Mundungs fled.

I want nothing more than to grab Harry and make sure he's okay. I want to find comfort in his embrace in privacy. This will have wait as the order has a quick meeting and mom makes a fast meal for us. We share a toast in Mad-eye's Honor. Once the night calms down I take a seat next to Harry and he holds my hand. Its the best thing to calm my racing thoughts.

He looks at me and gives me a slight smile. I grin back and lean closer to him. With the adults in the room he doesn't dare try to kiss me,but I can tell he wants to.

"I'm so happy you're safe. I can't even think about if it would have been you instead of Mad-Eye. Harry-" Harry cuts me off before I can continue.

"Ginny,its you we should be worrying about. I'm the one who's happy you are the safe one. I cant lose anyone else. Especially you."

This time I don't care if my parents see, I kiss Harry on the lips for a good long moment before Ron clears his throat.

"Oi, That's my sister and I don't need to see that." Ron glares at Harry.

Harry and I both blush as we pull apart.

My mother walks over and shoos us kids to bed as the other order members leave.

Harry walks me to my room as Hermione tries to beat the bathroom rush. Ron gives a warning glance to Harry.

" I expect to see you soon Harry." Harry chuckles at this as we stop at my door.

"You could always come back down once he's asleep." I take a step towards him.

"You know I wish I could. However I worry about more then just Ron. But for now all I can give you is this."

Harry steps even closer to me and i feel my beck press against the door. My pulse races as he slowly and perfectly snogs me. I sigh into his embrace and wrap my arms around him daring to pull him closer. Our proper snog is over way to quickly and I pout as he after a few minutes pulls away.

"That is the best way to say goodnight. Thank you Harry." I smile wide at him. He returns my smile and holds my hand as he walks away, once my hand drops back to my side I watch him all the way up the stairs.

My smile never leaves my face as I get ready for bed. Harry Potter is my boyfriend and I think I'm falling for him. Ever since our first  kiss last year I knew that I will always love him.

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