Mission Ethan and Mission Adam: Phase 3

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---At Home---

Chase's POV

"What are we gonna do? He confessed to me! And told Alexandria that we were dating!" Bree walked around the living room and ended with a flop on the sofa.

"Relax." I rolled my eyes. "I can fix it."

I turned away then, I turned back. "Got any ideas?"

"How about we--" Bree was cut off by Mr. Davenport.

"Mission Alert, guys. It's very urgent so HURRY UP!" Mr.Davenport came in, holding the mission phone in his hands.

"Adam!" Bree shouted. "Mission Alert!"

Adam ran in, his face covered in cream, "What?"

"Mission Alert." Mr. Davenport repeated, walking towards the elevator.

"Meet you guys in 5. And Adam, please wipe that off your face." With that, he pressed a button and the elevator doors closed.

"Fine." He walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

It was when Bree and I looked at each other when we realized that we were both waiting for Adam to enter the toilet.

"I'll tell you later." Bree said and she super-sped towards the elevator.

"HURRY UP! Oh, and bring Adam with you." The doors closed and she descended to the lab.

"Adam!" I called to him. "We have to go!"

"Okay! Just let me wipe my face!" Adam's voice rang out from the toilet.

"What have you been do--. You know what, never mind. Come down when you're done." I said as I walked into the elevator and went down too.

---In the Lab---

Davenport's POV

"Hurry up,Chase. You're the last one to get here." I said when I saw Chase appear from the elevator.

"But, Adam..." Chase drifted off.

"Adam was here seconds before you arrived." I said, wondering why Chase thought that Adam was the last whilst pointing at Adam.

"He was. Just. At the. Toilet!!" Chase pointed in different directions everytime he stopped in his sentence. Or sentences.

"Oh. I just thought of the lab, saw some light and ta-da~ I was here!" Adam gestured dramatically towards the lab.

"I think he just unlocked a hidden ability. But that's not the point! My high-speed tanks are speeding out of control, heading towards a tall building. If it hits the building, it will destabilize the very structure of the building and cause it to topple! I need you guys to stop the tanks!" I explained the entire mission in 4 sentences.

"Why do you have high-speed tanks?" Bree asked.

"Why do you have to ask so many questions?" I shot back. "Just go! Now!"

They ran into their capsules. I selected the latest mission suit and they got changed into it. They grabbed their gear and ran out.

---After the Mission---

Chase's POV

"Good work, guys. The tanks were stopped and the building is safe. I would've lost a lot of money on that one. And my glowing reputation. Oh and Chase, Bree, I need to see you guys." Mr. Davenport said as we dropped our gear onto the bench.

We all stepped into the capsules and changed back into normal clothes. Adam hummed a little song and disappeared suddenly.

"So.." Bree said as we approached Mr. Davenport.

"You guys have really done it this time. You have to focus. It's good that you two are finally getting close--" Mr. Davenport was cut off by Bree.

"Don't go there." Bree said.

"Anyway, I need your full attention on every mission. Got it?" Mr. Davenport said in a fatherly way.

"Got it..." Bree and I said in unison, dragging the 'it'.

---In the Living Room---

Bree's POV

If only we could get Alexandria to despise Ethan.. Maybe some vocal manipulation is needed..

Chase and I checked for Adam and found that he had gone out for some apparent reason.

"So??" Chase asked impatiently. "What are we gonna do?"

"We have to get Alexandria to hate Ethan. Its the only way." I said.

"How are we gonna do that?" Chase asked.

Ughh! I rolled my eyes. "Vocal manipulation...."

"Ohhh." Chase looked like he just realized my plan.

Some boys are just so ignorant. I shook my head.

---At School---

Bree's POV

"Soooo, Ethan." I said casually, clutching my books in my hands.

"Hey, Bree." Ethan replied smoothly.

"Weren't you supposed to tell Alexandria to back off??" I said impatiently.

"Right." Ethan looked like he was up awake all night.

"Now would be a good time. Look, here she comes." I pointed to an angry Alexandria that slammed her locker door.

"Heyyy, Alexandria." Ethan walked towards her, looking nervous.

"Hey, Ethan." She said sarcastically, trying not to notice me as I walked to this side.

"Soo.." Ethan said slowly.

I nudged him to speak faster, "Go on."

"Umm, I am currently dating Bree and I have to call off our date. I'm sorry." Ethan explained quickly and looked away.

"He never loved you." I added to rub it in.

Looking good.

Chase's POV

"Hey Alexandria." I said.

She started walking off when I grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"What do you want??" Her voice was a combination of anger and hurt.

"Ethan dumped you, huh?" I immediately regretted what I had said because she broke into tears.

"Bree... *sobs* told me..*sobs* that he*sobs* never loved *sobs* me *sobs*."

"It's okay." I comforted.

She started sobbing really hard and suddenly, she hugged me. I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. I patted her head and encouraged her soothingly.

"Thanks Chase. You're right. Ethan's a jerk. I'm sorry I doubted you." She said between heavy breaths.

"It's okay." I repeated.

It's okay. So Bree didn't need vocal manipulation.... Oh, well.

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