Love?? I Don't Think So....

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Alexandria's POV

What was that boy's name again? Oh yeah, Chase. He was nice. He helped me through the first day at Mission Creek High. He was like a big brother. Oh there he is!

"Hey Chase!" I greeted him cheerfully after Science. 

"Hey Alexandria! What class do you have later?" He asked casually.

"Umm, I think I have English.." I replied, wondering what class I had. Gotta check my timetable.

"Oh, I have English too! Let's walk there together!" Chase exclaimed happily.

---Skips English Class---

As usual, the teacher paired me up with Chase since he was the best student and I was new. I was starting to wonder what subject he wasn't good at. But that went off my mind as soon as I saw this totally gorgeous boy walking down the corridors. Girls were ogling at him. It was at this moment that I realized he was heading towards me. I tried to act casual and all but ended up dropping my books everywhere on the floor. He was shocked when he saw the books fall out of my hands and bent down to help me pick them up. 

"Thanks. I'm new here." I said lamely. Oh my god, how horrible at this am I?

"No prob, my name is Ethan." He said. He was so cute!!

"Mine's Alexandria." I replied quickly before zooming off faster than I have ever ran in my life. In the process, I bumped into Bree. 

"Hey girl, watch it." She said jokingly. "Calm down, what's the hurry?"

"I *puff* *puff* just met *puff* *puff* this totally *puff* *puff* cute boy. His *puff* *puff* name is Ethan..." I panted really fast, hoping I would not choke myself. 

"Oh, Ethan? He is the most popular guy in school. This is not meant to offend you but good luck with him." She said and walked off, rolling her eyes.

"What's up with moody?" I said as Chase walked to my side.

"She's dated him before and trust me, it was not pretty." He laughed.

 "So, no more classes, right?" I tried to pierce through the awkwardness.

"Yep. Your first day just ended. See you tomorrow. Bye." Chase waved and went off with Bree, Adam and Leo.

"Bye." I waved back.

---At Home---

Bree's POV

"So, Chase. Cute friend you made there. When are you gonna ask her out?" I asked, being a really straightforward person.

"What?? I don't like her... Not in that way. Besides, I have someone else on my mind." Chase protested, throwing his bag on the sofa. 

"Chase finally likes someone. Hooray!" I said unenthusiasically and walked off to the lab.

I stepped into the elevator and pushed a button. When I stepped out of the elevator, my phone rang.  "Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, this is Ethan."

"Hi, Ethan. I'm sorry I gotta go. Bye." I said quickly and hung up.

My phone rang again. "Yes???" I asked frustratedly.

"Hey, this is Alexandria." 

"Hi Alexandria. How did you get my number?" I asked curiously, happy to hear her nonetheless.

"Chase gave it to me." 

"Chase remembers my number? Awww. Not." I dragged the 'awww' and stopped abruptly with the 'not'.

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