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Chase's POV

---At Home---

I have never thought about this but isn't Styx the name of the river located in the Underworld in Greek mythology?

This is so confusing.

"Mr. Davenport, isn't Styx the name of the river located in the Underworld in Greek mythology?" I asked.

"Umm, I think so??" He said it in a question type of way like he wasn't sure.

"Is it possible for her to have any connection with the Greek stuff??" Bree took the words right out of my mouth.

"It is possible but we can't know for sure." Mr. Davenport paused for a moment and suddenly, he had that 'i know!' look.

"What is it?" Bree asked in an annoyed tone, apparently recognising that look too.

"Am I getting that predictable?"  Mr. Davenport asked.

"Getting?" Bree asked with fake disbelief on her face.

Mr. Davenport gave her the 'disturbed' look and continued, "Anyway, it is possible that she is, somehow, linked to the ancient gods of Greece but we will have to get her to the lab and we can't do that."

"Not unless she's in a deep sleep and on the stimulator." I pointed out.

"Right. We will have to give her a mild sleeping drug and set the stimulator to lab mode." Mr. Davenport instructed.

Bree looked at Mr. Davenport weirdly, "Seriously? Lab mode?"

Mr. Davenport looked like he was about to speak but Bree stopped him by saying, "No. Just....no."

He rolled his eyes.

Just then, Adam spoke up, "Its like the bros, peeps and homies thing all over again."

I laughed.

"Alright, let's get to work." Mr. Davenport rubbed his hands and cackled.

"And you guys still don't believe that he is a witch. How can he not be one?!?" Adam gestured at Mr. Davenport.

Mr. Davenport gave him a weird look.

“You fixed it already?” Bree asked, as if just remembering the Spike incident a few weeks ago.

“Umm yeah? Hello, brilliant scientist here.” He pointed both thumbs to himself and gave a smug look.

We all rolled our eyes.

“Get. To. Work!” He gestured with both palms upward, emphasising on every syllable by pumping his hands up and down.

“What is Adam gonna do?” I asked, pointing at my big brother.

Adam smiled and raised both eyebrows at Mr. Davenport in a what’s up way.

“Umm, probably not giving us more trouble is enough of a job for Adam.” Mr. Davenport said.

Adam was silent for a while and then he suddenly exclaimed, “Hey!” like he was offended.

“So are we pulling this off after school?” Bree asked.

:Yep.” Mr. Davenport replied, popping the ‘p’.

---At School---

Aurora’s POV

“Hey guys.” I greeted Adam, Bree, Chase, Alexandria and Leo warmly.

“Hey.” They all said in unison.

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