Chapter 9-Oblivious

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Am so sorry for not updating this book,with everything going on in my life,i lost sight of my vision for this book,writer's block is real!!!hopefully, I get motivation to write.

Jared's POV
After the crazy party yesterday, I woke up feeling like I had been run over by a lorry! The party became way too crazy after other people joined in. The girls were lying carelessly piled on my bed,cups were strewn everywhere and music was still playing. I snapped a quick pic of the girls,and quickly posted it before they woke up. They would kill me otherwise,girls like pretending they woke up looking like goddesses.

Then Arthur my roommate woke up blinking like a lost fish,when he saw me, he stood up and went to the closet and started looking around,then he turned to me,
"This came for you yesterday" he says handing me a gift box.

I ran like an eager kid to grab the box. I start slowly unwrapping it till my phone rings and I pick up,
"Hey,its Casper" he says
"Oh woow! Great to hear from you handsome, missing me already?" I ask
"Maybe and thinking of our next date tonight" he says
"Yeah,I can't wait" I reply
"Well,I sent you something, should be there just about now" he says
"What is it? Come on spill" I plead
He just laughs and tells me to check.
I hear a knock at the door while Arthur laughs rolling his eyes.
I get the delivery, sign for it and head back inside. I continue unwrapping the first gift and get a beautiful glass sculpture, I love it. I check for a note but there is no note. I shrug because people send me gifts all the time. Am kind of famous,well my parents are famous politicians, so am famous by blood,well my good looks too.
  I open the second one and I scream out loud,it's a Jersey with my name J.Blackstone at the back. I immediately get my phone and call Casper.
"Most amazing gift ever!" I say breathless and excited.
"Well,I have a matching one too,see you tonight" he replies.
We talk for a while then hang up. Its refreshing to be able to talk so freely with someone. Casper is great.
I hear a banging noise on the door!! Trouble sounds like that and by trouble I mean Vickie and Katuskah.
They push the door open and as soon as they see me and Arthur! They pounce on us and slaps are being rained on us while we shout.
"Stop! Stop!"
"Why did you post pictures of us in the morning? Vickie asks
" Sorry doc, I wasn't thinking " I reply laughing.
"Why am I being slapped, I didn't do anything!" Arthur whines
"I might have posted pictures from your phone too" I say tentatively
"You idiot!!!" Arthur exclaims
To calm down the girls,I say the one thing guaranteed to shush them,
"I have a date with Casper!" I announce
They start squealing and bombarding me with questions.
Satisfied with my answers, they leave and we breath a sigh of relief. But we spoke too soon! Vicky comes back and slaps me one more time before running out giggling. She must always have the last word! In this case,last slap.
"Where do you get them from?" Arthur says laughing
"Beats me" I mutter.

A few hours later, I am dressed up for our date. Am wearing my Jersey with black skinny ripped jeans. Casper is picking me up.
I hear a honk and go out meet Casper. He is wearing his Jersey too with black jeans too!
We look at each other and laugh. We hug and we enter the car and head to a sports bar.
The crowd is hyped up at the match. We grab a few eats and take our seats. We yell endlessly supporting our team. This is why I love football, every moment puts you on edge,the missed goals, wrong passes and near saves! When our team scores a third goal,I yell so loudly  hugging Casper,and then I feel lips on mine! I turn and kiss him back,the excitement is contagious. People around us yell more and snap pictures of us. We look at each other and blush looking down.
At the end of the match, we won. So Casper and I head to a restaurant to restore our calories.
We order for burgers and coke.
"Tonight was perfect!" I say
"I had fun too" Casper replies
"Let's do this again" I say
"Yeah,we'll sort details through the week" He replies.
We continue laughing and take pictures. After paying the bill,we head to my place. Casper drops me off but before he leaves,we lean towards each other and my lips are captured by his and we kiss. I put my hand on his waist and draw him closer. We kiss again exploring each others lips till Casper pulls away,his face red and lips swollen.
I wave to him goodbye while he drives away and heads inside.

Unknown to them,two pairs of eyes were just around the corner in the bush watching them

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