Chapter VI

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Chapter- VI

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.   -Angela Monet

     We had agreed to meet with all of the Four at once tonight, in our dreams- if you could call them that. Chaud had explained to me- and I’d nearly figured out myself with the papers appearing underneath me- that what happened in the shadow voids happened in real life. Sort of like a twisted Freddy Krueger movie. I shivered.

So that was why, I won’t lie, I made sure to look halfway presentable before bed- conveniently ‘forgetting’ to take off my makeup, and French-braiding my hair for bed. I lay down, and closed my eyes, waiting, but nothing happened. I rolled over, guessing I had to literally ‘fall asleep’ for something to happen.

I lost track of time, but when I finally opened my eyes, impatient, I wasn’t met with my bedroom. Instead, I saw a plain, white-tiled room missing lamps and light bulbs, yet extremely brightly lit. It was a small room, and had a simple foldable table in the center of it. Surrounding the table were four chairs. I felt awkward, this was obviously the place where the Four met, or would be meeting. Though I knew they must move around, probably to protect themselves from the Hunters, because I didn’t recognize this room. It was much too bright, not dimly lit like the other one.

I blinked a couple times, waiting for my eyes to adjust. When they didn’t, I just pretended like it wasn’t blinding, and sat down in one of the chairs. The way I saw it, most things came down to a first come, first serve basis, and I was here first. I smiled at the thought. It was the only thing I had over all the others; they had all come into their powers much before I had. Or, they were born earlier. Regardless, they had had quite a bit more of time to work on and perfect their abilities, specifically when compared to me. I frowned. I had so much to catch up on. While I could send Chaud and I hovering simultaneously, it had only been for around an hour, and I had nearly passed out after it. I couldn’t even keep myself from hovering when someone pushed me down, and I had been attacked because of it.

Which was exactly why I was sitting here, waiting for the others, right now.

“Hi.” A breezy, carefree voice said from beside me.

Startled from my thoughts, I jumped, and my head whipped to the side.

I was met with a pair of wide, brown eyes. This girl, who I assumed had to be the one who could control air, was… Well, little was the only word that would come to mind. She was petite, a woman’s wisdom in a child’s body. Her posture showed her confidence. She was all of 5’2”, and that was probably stretching it a bit. Her hair was a blonde so light, that it nearly looked white when it caught the light.

She looked like she could easily be blown away by a strong breeze.

I blinked, and then remembered my manners. “Hello.” I replied, awkwardly.

She stuck out her small hand, fingernails delicately painted pink, and I grasped it.

“I’m Aria.” She said, and I released her hand.


“Stella.” Our heads turned at the same time, towards the sound of my name coming from across the room. I had been just about to reply to Aria, but someone else had beaten me to it.

“Marée, hey!” I called over. Marée walked over, smiling widely, and I saw Aria raise her eyebrows at this out of the corner of my eye.

“You two know each other?” She asked, only mildly interested.

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