Chapter 12

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Yes this is 2 updates in a row, This is sloppy because I am getting tired af.

Kits POV

I wake up and see the time is 3:00am. "Nicolas" I whisper but hear no reply. Indicating I am alone, then the guilt kicks me in the stomach... Holy shit man I fucked up. I walk downstairs to see the beta (A/N: cause I didn't forget that character at all - Also hasn't met Nate yet SPOILER  "Is Nicolas back?" I sadden when he shakes his head. I walk out into the night air and walk into the woods to find him and set this right. I walk to a small forest opening breathing in deeply. It has been a full hour and no find. I miss him so much it hurts. 

A deep growl emits from behind me and a large brown wolf is snarling at me like I'm its next meal. Rouge. I take a panicked step back but he just comes closer. I gulp wholesome and whimper. I am about to die and not even get to tell Nicolas I am sorry... He jumps and snarls at my face as I dodge aimlessly.
Suddenly a fresh wave of wind runs past me taking the wolf clean of me from the scent I knew it is Nicolas. I scramble onto my knees and watch as my beloved mate and the rouge fight, I got to admit though this is hot watching him... No bad Kit. The rouge is strong but Nicolas is stronger. Rouge nips and catches Nicolas's feet making him bleed a little but he stays strong. Until finally after all the snapping Nicolas gets a clear angle of the neck and breaks it. After he shifts and gives me a glance before passing out. Maybe that wound is deeper than thought. 


I had pulled him to a lake and cleaned the wound and the werewolf heal did the rest. He was currently still passed out on my lap as I stroked his soft blonde hair. He groaned shortly after (I put shorts on him) "Kit" he looked confused but then serious "Are you alright?" he runs a finger over my bruise that I got given "I don't care about me, how are you?" I touch his leg "I'm fine Kit, thank you for taking care of me" he spoke carefully but didn't look at me "Look Nicolas I am so sorry, I hate myself for what I did" I felt a tear track down my cheek and I sniff "hey hey, don't cry Kit... I forgive you" he brushes my tears with the pad of his thumb "I was so angry, I needed time alone... I lost track of the time" he mumbles. "Nicolas?" I see him look up more with a face that said carry on "I love you so much" I leap into his embrace in a hug which forced him on his back onto the grass. "I should be on the top" Nicolas grunts "I am sorry... I forget what karma does and I wanted you to hurt like I did to be honest." I kiss his cheek "you shouldn't forgive me but if you can find it in your heart to forgive th-" I get cut off by a pair of lips that mould with mine perfectly. I groan softly feeling every problem that ever occur just melt away. It is just the love of my life and me in our own little world. After a while he pulls apart "god you ramble babe, of course I forgive you" he pecks my lips softly "What about the rouge?" I gasp "I need to put that off for tonight, I need to spend time with the most important person I have" he pecks my lips again "what if there are more?" I look around me "there aren't, I can't smell any... I only smelt that one and then your scent... shit I never ran so fast" He holds me close embraced protectively. Home and love that is perfect word for this.

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