Chapter 6

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kits pov

I was screaming for him to stop but he lost control, the blood was spraying he attacked my alpha brutally. 

4 wolfs sprint and I have never seen them "who are you?" I yelp and they all look up "I am Alpha Nicolas's beta, who are you?" one called and he had blue eyes and brown hair "I am his mate, Kit" i smile softly "sir, I am afraid that he has lost control" a warrior wolf snapped "shit, Kit touch him" the beta said calmly "What no, he is psycho right now" I shout back "it is the only way possible he will stop" the beta pushed me forwards and I nimbly walk over moving out of blows. I took a easy breath before placing a small hand onto his shoulder and feeling him tense and stop immediately and all I could hearing is him panting, "Nicolas please, can we just go to bed... I want to sleep" he stays still "and I don't think you want me to go sleep outside or in the smallest jail with the rouges that I am pretty sure want to use my body" he leaps up growling harshly "No, your mine" his wolf nuzzled my neck as the 4 guys picked up the alpha of my pack leaving us be. "can I have Nicolas back, I want to go sleep" I hold his bicep rubbing circles "you teased me, little one" I looked up to see Nicolas was back, I gulped seeing the lust pass his eyes "but, I know your tired, so come on" he scoops me into his massive arms and I take the chance to breath the scent that is made for me.

Nicolas drops me on the bed and passes me trackkie bottoms and a nothing else. I climb off the bed and go inside the bathroom... I fell asleep in this bathroom so it reeks of me causing me to gag "are you okay?" Nicolas raps on the door "fine, I can smell myself in here and I honestly don't understand what you find calming about it" I call and swing the door open to a bare chested mate on the bed, he looked up and growled softly, I was pale, skinny and covered in cuts and bruises "wow I am ugly" I sighed and went to get a shirt "stop it, Kit" Nicolas reached on my wrist and pulled me down onto his chest, I automatically curled up "I knew he would like us" my wolf finally spoke up "thanks for making an appearance" I block off the link and cuddle further into my mates warm chest and his arms embrace me once I am comfy.

"Kit, you are my one and only person... I have waited my whole life for you and I would die and kill to make sure you had no nightmares, that you never got hurt. I see you against my chest and I know you belong here with me. You are beautiful. Strong and you are going to bear my pup and raise them to be perfect alphas and you are going to make an amazing queen by my side forever." Nicolas whispers as tears fall onto his shoulder, I look up and he is watching me carefully... I reach up and takes my lips to his in a sweet kiss as we moved together, Nicolas's hand was on my waist running up my sides sending shivers and goosebumps to rise on my skin. "mark me. no mating just mark me as yours" I smile when he growls a little against my lips as he started kissing my chin and down my jaw to my neck nibbling the skin making me gasp "Nick" he smiled a little before kissing the spot that my shoulder met my neck. I moved my neck giving him assess to my neck. I feel his canines graze along before he dug them in. I moan loudly in the pleasure as he retracts them and licks the mark. 

I sigh and kiss his lips again "sleep Kit" he strokes my cheek and my eyes drop and I sleep for the first time.    

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