Chapter 11

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Okay first bitches, we just hit 1k reads... THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH. 

Also Alphas office is above

Any way lets carry on... also character poster of the important characters... so far.

Kits pov

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Kits pov

I walk up to the dining room later the same day, he honestly doesn't think I forgive him. Nicolas hasn't even gotten rid of the dumb blonde whore. As I step in I get stopped by the same blonde whore... Speak of the devil and it will appear. " There you are Omega, I need you to care of dinner and bring it to the Alphas office" she struts off with some walk that makes her look like a penguin. 

I decide to do as I am told just to see Nicolas's face when I am doing an omegas work. I carry what smells like curry or some weird ass concoction. I struggle with the 2 plates but the weight gets taken off. I turn around to be faced with a guy around my age with blue and brown eyes "Hey I'm Nate" he smiles softly "so are you a new worker?" he asks "No, I am actually meant to be the Luna here, but Nicolas is being a cheating bastard" I laugh when he pales "shit, let me take the other plate Luna" he yelps, I giggle at him "first call me Kit and second I can handle it" I carry on walking "so the Alpha cheated, what a dick!" he scoffed "yeah" I answer as we take a corner "you wanna make him jealous" he practically screams "there is no point if you shout, he has good hearing" I giggle at him "so you wanna make him jealous" he smirks "fuck yes."

I knock on the door lightly "enter" a gruff voice answers "well you sound chirpy Alpha" Nate skips in setting the plate in front of the blonde bitch "here you go" he does a gay fab twirl making me giggle, "Whats so funny babe?" he looks up at me with a wink as the most animalistic growl I have ever heard "oh sorry Alpha" I place he plate down "the big puppy needs his food Kit" Nate tuts at me "don't disrespect my mate" blonde bitch says. Seriously can the author give her a name. "Whoresaywhat?" Nate flashes out "what" she gasps. I forget I am next to my mate and can't help but burst out laughing. Nate comes around to me kissing my cheek. A pencil snaps next to me and Nicolas is growling and glaring at Nate. "I am sorry Alpha but you shouldn't care since he walked into you lip locking on Candy here" he points. Shit the author gave her a name finally... Candy. "secondly if you really care about Kit then you would be eating as mates and not with this whore ass here" Nate adds as I blush "excuse me!" Candy inputs "BITCH GET OUT" Nicolas finally snaps, she runs out "SHE KEEPS HANGING OFF ME WHILST I TRY AND WORK TO KEEP 7 PACKS IN ORDER AND IT ISN'T EASY BUT FOR FUCK SAKE KIT I'M TRYING MY DAMN HARDEST AND IF YOU THINK THAT MAKING ME JEALOUS IS GOING TO MAKE THINGS MOVE QUICKER THEN YOU'RE DREADFULLY WRONG" he pants. his eyes are set pure black "Oh and these are for you" he shoves a handful of ruby red roses into my hand and runs out. I follow behind to outside where he shifts mid jump and runs into the woods "NICOLAS" I scream but Nate holds me back "leave him to cool off Kit" I nodd and walk upstairs falling asleep.  

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