Chapter 4 {Cleaned}

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Nicolas's wolf JUST BIGGER

Kits POV

I ran into the woods with fright, I was going to get rejected and then killed. Great, just great really not how I pictured my Friday going to be honest, mates to Mr Hottie McHotWolf then to find out he's the king and Imma about to die GREAT.

Realising I'm not thinking about where I'm going I feel my feet catch under a tree root and start feeling myself fall, but I landed on something softer and creating sparks in my skin, where I felt the impact I open my eyes in confusion to see that Alpha Nicolas caught me in WOLF FORM. I scrabble up and I take this time to look at his wolf that is fucking huge and pure black whereas mine is grey and white, his eyes are golden which in our world means Alpha, his are brighter gold because he is king. Honestly mesmerising those eyes.

I sit myself against the tree feeling my leg throb in pain and i know it's twisted but wolf healing will make me feel better but I just need to rest for a second.
I feel eyes burning into my skull and I remember that I'm not alone. "Please don't reject me" I whimper in need of my mate feeling weak and defenceless "Why would I reject you?" his wolf spoke softly in my head hoping I don't run "I was raised to work for the pack, and to learn that my mate would reject me and then kill me" I whimpered out, tears falling down my cheeks that I didn't realise I wanted to cry "do you want to reject me little one?" I look up shocked at his statement "OF COURSE I DO NOT, I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE MY MATE LOOK AFTER ME AND LOVE ME BUT I WONT GET THAT" I shout tears streaming down my cheeks.

I didn't see Nicolas go behind a tree and use our spare clothes we provide. I did notice however when he scooped me into his large arms, stroking my hair letting me cry into his chest. "My little mate I have been waiting for you since I was 16 and I promise you that under no circumstances will I reject you" Nicolas whispers once I'm calm.
"Why don't you tell me about yourself little one?" He suggests

"Ummm my names Kit, I'm 19 and an omega.
My favourite colour is turquoise and my favourite music is Twenty One Pilots. And I'm mated to the alpha King Nicolas" I look up at him to see him smiling down at me "wow Alpha King Nicolas can smile!" I exclaimed in fake shock "you are cheeky little one" he smiles again and he takes a deep breath "well it's only fair I tel you about me, I'm Nicolas Edwards but you call me Nicolas. I'm 24 years old and a king, my favourite colour is ocean blue and I don't have time for music but I do love the show 'The Office'" Nicolas finishes deciding he's said enough.

"YOU LIKE THE OFFICE. I could kiss you" I blush instantly after the statement leaves my lips and even he looks taken back, "I'm not going to stop you little one" Nicolas puckers his lips. I decide I don't want to kiss him yet and I kiss my hand instead and place my hand onto his awaiting lips causing Nicolas to open his eyes as I remove my hand, "anymore of that adorable shit and I'll mark you here and now" he growls lowly with a slight smile.
"Shush Nicolas, we have to go back so I can get dinner cooked to feed a little over 350 hungry wolves" I hoist myself up to begin my walk but was shocked when Nicolas decided to pick me up and walk back to the house.

My Possessive Mate Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora