I could feel something wet beneath my feet.

I wonder where the noise when to that woke me up. The bloody screams. The pleading. It was all gone now.


It might have been dark but I knew my father. The man that was there when I took my first step. The only man in my life that I loved with all my heart.

"Go inside Elijah."

"But Daddy..." I was whining like a child. I am a child. I'm to scared to be inside. Somebody was screaming.

"Elijah! Inside! Now!"


His face was not recognizable anymore.

I screamed.

"Shut up! Do you see this?! This is all your fault Elijah!"


"Yes! You talked! Maybe if you didn't speak this would never have happened! This is your fault!"


"Elijah! Wake up!"



"It wasn't me!" I screamed.

I was blinded. There was light everywhere. A blond woman standing over me, Blake holding me against his chest. It wasn't bare this time.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Blake's mother said.

Okay, so the dream was just a dream. I have to breathe. I am in Blake's bed. I am safe. His mother is here. Everything will be okay.

"Just a dream, sorry," I panted. I still could not get control over my breathing. It still felt to real. I could still feel the sticky blood on my feet. I could still see the gruesome face staring up at me, knowing it was my doing that he looked like that in the first place.

"Blake. I'm going to brew him a little something. As soon as he's calm, bring him down to the kitchen," Blake's mother said and walked out of the room. The pity in her eyes as she stopped at the door broke my heart.

"Elijah? What were you dreaming about?" Blake asked, the worry showed by the frown covering his forehead.

"You're going to get wrinkles," I said and patted his forehead, making his frown disappear a little bit. I desperately needed to change the subject.

"You kept on saying it wasn't your fault. What wasn't your fault?" Blake asked again, obviously not ready to let go of the subject that easily.

"I don't know," I mumbled and in an attempt to change the subject I pecked him on the cheek and cuddled up to him. Gosh, I was whoring myself out to change a subject! How mature of me!

"What did you dream about?" Blake said as he pulled me closer, putting he's hand on my head, pulling me close so that I could smell him through his clothing. I felt safe again.

"I can't remember." The lie was out before I could even think. If I could not keep quiet anymore, at least I could avoid it.

"Are you sure?" His voice did not sound convincing at all.

"Yeah," I answered. There was nothing in that dream that I ever wanted to explore ever again in my life. Once was more than enough.

"Then maybe it's time to go down to the kitchen. My mom's waiting for us," Blake said and stood up out of bed, pulling me with him, down the stairs and into the kitchen. Never once leaving my hand, keeping me as safe as he could every step of the way.

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