"Mm mm."

"Naruto...Turn. Around. Now."


"Stop whining and take it like a man."

With a final burst of strength, Naruto picked his wife up by the waist and threw her back onto the bed. Ino landed with a snarl and tackled him viciously as he flung the door open. They tumbled outside and down the hallway, clawing and biting the whole way. Thinking maybe he could lose her if he rolled them both down the stairs, Naruto took the plunge and listened to her indignant shrieks and squeals of pain in between his grunts.

The plan did not go very well since he landed at the bottom of the stairwell on his back with a naked Ino on top of him. Setting her lips into a vicious grimace, she grabbed him by the shirt and hauled him up to face her. Growling low in her throat, she bared her fangs at her mate before smirking and slamming her lips into his. His eyes flew open and he tried to struggle, but it was in vain. Deciding to give into the inevitable, he deepened the kiss and she jerked her head back. She purred and looked at him through half-lidded eyes before beginning to rip his clothes apart again. He sighed in defeat and moaned when she pressed hard on one of his bruises.

"Silly foxy, you know Ino likes it rough..."


Naruto emerged from his house several hours later, even sorer and more beatdown than that morning. Ino had elected to sleep in, thoroughly wore out and satisfied. The kids and other two women looked at him with wide eyes. He looked like he'd been through a warzone. Clad only in sweatpants, since he couldn't find a shirt that didn't look like it had been put through a wood chipper, and forgoing sandals since they only made his feet hurt more (if that was humanly possible) he trudged forward. Without a word he made three clones and sent them to work with the kids.

The kids walked away, looking over their shoulders at the blonde as he flopped on the grass spread eagle and groaned loudly. Sakura and Tsunade, concerned for his well-being, walked over to ask what was wrong. He told them 'nothing' and they kept pressing the issue. The laughter from the foxes was heard behind them and they turned to find all the foxes with huge grins and shaking bodies. Tsunade raised an eyebrow and asked what was so damn funny. Genmaki caught his breath enough to answer.

He's just tired Lady Tsunade. He'll be fine with some rest.

"Ok, but what did this to him? He has bruises all over and looks like he's been through a shinobi war."

Penni snickered and rolled to her side.

Lady Ino is in heat. And I believe she is the rough type when it comes to her season.

Sakura's eyes widened and her hands flew to her mouth as she tried to stifle the giggles that threatened to burst forth. Naruto shot her a withering glare, which only made her laugh harder. Tsunade made no effort to hide her amusment and spent the rest of the day teasing the poor king. Around lunchtime his wife made her appearance.

Ino sashayed out of the house wearing a white tanktop and blue skirt, smiling the whole way. Tsunade and Sakura looked up from their seats beside a knocked out Naruto and returned her wave and smile. They had teased him for over an hour before sleep finally claimed him and his bruises began to heal. Ino smiled at her husband and plopped down beside him, on the other side from Tsunade and Sakura. Sakura, still being somewhat of a gossip hound, decided that details were needed.

"So, heat huh? What's that like?"

Ino rolled her shoulders and laid back, using Naruto's stomach like a pillow as she stretched out on the grass.

Broken Hearts, Shattered Dreams, a Naruto FanficWhere stories live. Discover now