The Beautiful Creature

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 Annalise P.o.v.




Something fiery, but warm and inviting, like the embers left after a fire. That’s what her dreams felt like. Most of them were reoccurring but they were never consecutive. She’d only have the dream of fire once every few months, but lately the dreams have frequented. At first, she was afraid, but then she noticed the fire was comforting.

 One night though, a figure was standing in the fire, it was tall and menacing looking, but it didn’t approach her.

“Annalise.” The figure called.

Fear struck through her veins like lightening, “Yes?” She whispered.

“I’m coming for you,” It spoke, “Wait for me.”

Torn between the urge to start screaming or to pinch herself to wake up, she stared at the figure in the fire, trying to see its face, but the fire was too thick and lively.

“Who…are you?” She asked.

The fire wavered, as if laughing at her for asking such a question.

“You will find out soon, Annalise.” It replied.

She frowned in confusion, “What do you mean? May I see your face?”

A deep chuckle floated in the air, sending a cold shiver down her spine.

“If you see my face you might die.” It said.

Again her heart palpitated in her chest with fear, but she stood her ground because more than fear, she was curious to see the entity that always came to her in dreams.

“If I die, let me die. I want to see you!” She called, hoping he couldn’t hear the desperation that lurked in her voice.

There was silence after that, and she began to think that he left, as the fire was no longer the bright red and orange but a subdued blue. The figure was no longer behind it. With a heavy heart, she turned around, jumping back in surprise when she bumped into someone.

She knew it had to be the figure…She looked up hesitantly, meeting dim orange eyes, like the warm embers of the fire she always saw in her dreams. It was a man, or a creature, because he wasn’t human.

His hair was black like the midnight sky, and hung carelessly to the nape of his neck, on the side hung a long braid that reached past his shoulder. He was slim, but she could see his muscles rippling through his arms.

At a sudden movement behind him, she looked and saw blood red wings sprouting from his back. She gasped in a mixture of awe, and fear.  Never had she seen a more beautiful creature.

“You are…” She whispered, suddenly feeling as if she might slip away.

He only smirked, lifting his hand and placing his index finger on her forehead, gently pushing her so that her body fell backward.

With a start, she sat up in her bed, looking around frantically searching for the mysterious winged creature. Realizing the creature was only in her dream, she calmed, looking out of her window. 

For reasons she couldn't explain, a rather strong urge made her go over to her window, looking around at the silent neighborhood. It was strange because, she felt a pull in the center of her chest, as if something was calling to her.

That's when she saw it, a figure, jumping off of a roof of a nearby building, so gracefully she would have thought he was an animal. Before he could touch the ground, blood red wings sprouted from his back like a beautiful blossom. 

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