The New Teacher

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"Ella, do I have to call you down one more time?" my mom shouts.

"I'm just finishing my mascara!" I shout back.

"Well hurry up because I'm going to be late for work and you're going to be late for school!" My mom shouts again.

"Mom! The more you shout and complain, the longer I will take!" I say as I continue to apply my mascara.

"Ella Harris! You are grounded for a week!" my mom practically screams.

"For what?" I say as I leave my en suite bathroom.

"Back chatting young lady!." my mom says sternly as i walk down the stairs with my bag slung over my shoulder.

"Whatever. You'll forget about it by tomorrow." I say as we walk out the door and get into the car.

"Finally. What took you so long?" says Terry.

Terry is my older brother. He is really over protective. I love him, although he can be the most annoying person I have ever met! I take out my hand mirror from my small makeup bag. I notice that my lip gloss is smudged slightly.

"Your lip gloss is smudged." Says Terry.

"No shit Sherlock!" I say as i get a tissue and wipe the mark away.

"Language Ella! Do you want to be grounded for another week?" my mom asks.

"I'm 16 mom, I'm not a baby anymore!" i say as I shove my tissues and make up bag back into my school bag.

My mom pulls up to my school. I get out and walk away without saying by. My mom is so mean, sometimes I consider running away. I can always go to one of my friends house. Speaking of friends, I see Sarah and Kylie standing at the bottom of the stairs. I run up to the and I envelope them into a hug. We break apart and Kylie is the first to say something.

"How was your Christmas break?" asks Kylie.

"It was great. My parents, my brother and I flew out to Missouri to see my grandparents." I say..

"My family and I did the same, except we went to Texas." Says Sarah.

Kylie goes to say something, but the bell rings, signifying that we need to head to home room. Sarah, Kylie and I quickly run to our lockers to put in the book that we don't need. After that, we sprint to home room and the teacher is already inside. The three of us stop and catch our breath before entering. When we do, everyone stares at us.

"How nice of you to join us Sarah Jones, Kylie West and Ella Harris." says Mr Dayna.

"Nice to see you to Jack." I say.

"Mr Dayna to you Miss Harris." says Mr Dayna.

"Hmmm." I sigh.

I sit down. Kylie is on my left and Sarah on my right. I put my bag on the floor next to my chair and then look up at the front.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted." Mr Dayna looks at the three of us.

Kylie and I snicker whilst Sarah blushes. I think she has had a crush on Mr Dayna for a while now. I have to admit, he's not bad looking and he is young. He's about 23-25, but he's not my type.

"There will be a winter talent show on November 29th. Everyone is welcome to participate, but the following things are not permitted. No inappropriate acts, no fireworks, no throwing things, no swearing, no stripping naked, and more. Just, keep it sensible if you enter, please?" says Mr Dayna.

"Sir, can I say something to the class?" asks Carter.

Carter Reynolds. I've had a HUGE crush on him since like, 4th grade. He's never asked me out though. I've come close to asking him maybe once or twice, but chickened out right at the last minute.

Falling In Love With My History Teacher | Watty's 2016Where stories live. Discover now