शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"That was.... disgusting!" Nicky finally said after a moment of silence. Well, as silent as it could get in a club.

"Hey!" Noah beckoned the bartender, "Give me a shot of everything from your top shelf..and I mean everything!"

"You got it!" The overly bleached blonde responded.

"Slow down Amy Winehouse!" Nicky said. "What's all that for?"

"Count me in." Austin said without looking in Noah's direction. Jesse's  outburst had distracted him from the awkward situation a few minutes ago, but now he needed to forget he had just  done that. Lucky for him, he was in the perfect place at the perfect time.

"Whoa, guys, you're not actually serious, are you?" Nicky asked, "There's like fifty different assortments of top shelf liquor !"

"Really?" Noah asked back, "It looks like more than fifty."

"Not the point, jackass!" Nicky stated, "And Austin, you can't drink most of that!"

"Wanna bet?" Austin deadpanned.

"I'm not letting you do it!"

"Try and stop me, sis!"Austin said.

Nicky leaned in near her brother's ear and asked, "Are you trying to kill yourself because you kissed Noah and are now being a total coward about it? Come on, it's not such a bad thing. It looked really cute from where I was standing."

"Let's see," he whispered back. "I basically killed someone today and I just made out with the one person I simply can't stand. To make matters worse, I'm not sure if I actually hated it. So, if I have to drink to forget these horrifying events, I'm gonna have a few damn drinks!"

"There you go!" The bartender announced as he slid a few shot glasses across the counter towards them .

"Thank you!" Noah cheered, "May I suggest you get some sleeves for your shirt, whatever you're trying to do is not working."

"¡Salud!" Austin said as he picked up a glass.

"¡Salud!" Noah responded as they clinked glasses and they both downed the shots in one go.

"Shit, that burns!" Noah said while scrunching up his face.

"You don't have to sell me on it," Austin said, "I'm already a fan!"

"Ok, your funerals!" Nicky said as she patted them both on their backs and left.

The two boys remained in their spots, downing their drinks like their lives depended on it. They both believed that the burning effect of the liquor would help numb what they were dealing with for a while. Noah believed it more because the bottom of the bottle had been his best friend for quite some time after his tragedy.

They drunk so much that they were finding it harder to stay on the slim, high, smooth barstools they were on.

Thirty minutes into their marathon and they had lost almost all sense and started getting overly chipper and excited.

VICEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें