17th July 2015

85 1 2

12th July 2015
i saw her standing by the hallway talking to her friends at 10:37 am.
she was wearing a pink top with black pants and light blue tudung.
she looks hot.
13th July 2015
she was there again.
talking to some boy.
shes mine
stay away from her u freak
ur hurting her. she doesnt like you go away.
8.00 pm
i killed him with an axe. cut him into pieces, threw out his organs but kept his heart and brain. i boiled it and kept his skull with me. I put him an a bag and set him to the nearby river.
the bag sank with a trail of blood coming out.
14th July 2015
she cried in the hallway as she saw a letter saying that the guy wants to break up with her ( it was my letter )
now she can only be mine.
i talked to her and asked her out to the nearby arcade
she declined me
said that i was disgusting and went off
i was broken hearted.
15th July 2015
i was empty.
16th July 2015
she died.
in my room.
17th July 2015
me and her will be together forever.

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