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' class stand up! Good morning miss Rina '
ah shes here! shes finally here!
' Good morning class, sit down please '
miss Rina is my English teacher. She comes to my class every Wednesday and Thursday. Her favourite food is cake as she said it in that other class last week on Friday. Her perfume is Paris Hilton when i accidentally smelt it a month ago and it was so addictive i bought it on the same day and ill spray it on my pillow with it every night. She wears her favourite outfit twice a week, on Sundays and Tuesdays, a very short white tudung, a dark blue baju kurung and black flats. She is 33 this year and currently single.
and im in love with her.
' Ehem, Faiz can u pay attention please? '
shit! ' um sorry miss Rina '
she smiled and continued. i swear i could see her smile every single day and wouldnt be bored with it. she has the cutest smile. Pearly white teeth, a little blush on her puffy cheeks and her big brown eyes squint until she looks like she doesnt have any.
she looks so angelically innocent.
Unfortunately time passed too soon and her period was over. i was so sad and was going to chase after her to help her out . but i stopped as soon as i saw something on her left wrist.
a bruise.
no, a cut.
A red one.
it still looks fresh. with blood dried up on the cut and still looks dark reddish as it was so deep.
has she been cutting herself?
i followed her quietly until i saw her going to her car.
i thought she came here with a bus?
without any second thoughts i grabbed my bike and followed her car without getting caught.
It was about a half and hour when she stopped the car near a house in the mountains.
is this her house?
she went inside with a twisted face and i knew something was wrong.
after a few steps suddenly i heard a shriek.
it was a girl's .
miss Rina!
i ran to the house and knocked down the door. for a 16 year old guy, im quite strong .
there was nothing.
but blood.
i called her out.
no answer.
i start panicking.
until the door closed.
my face lost its blood and i was white.
when i turned.
it was her.
but it wasnt.
she had blood all over her. with a knife and her wrist was still bleeding.
this wasnt miss Rina
' Faiz~ i noticed you followed me '
' i cut myself so i could lure you here Faiz ~ '
' See? i ll do anything for you my son '
she said in a seducing voice
she came closer.
i froze, i couldnt move.
the first teacher i know that ill probably fall in love with.
The teacher who has a soft heart.
this wasnt her no way!
she came to me until our nose touched.
she was this close.
and kissed me.
of all the things i want in life all coming together now until i felt a sharp pain on my lower abdomen. she pulled me closer but kept kissing me. i struggled and couldnt get away. am i gonna die? in this state? i felt limp and my eyes almost blurring out in eternal darkness as the teacher i was in love with with pulled me closer into the kiss and pulled me closer to the sharp knife that was stabbing me.
i was gone.
i pulled him away from me and left the knife in his body and spat on him.
black spiky hair, freckles, a bit of a crooked teeth but still.
' He looks like you, Ahmad '
exactly like you.
i kissed the dead body and smiled.
' my son '
i stuffed him in a body pillow next to another one.
' this is what you get for betraying me Ahmad '
i put the two body pillows on the bed, sprayed it with my Paris Hilton perfume, and sat between them.
' Goodnight my boys '

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