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I woke up again. And yep in the same exact state. On my couch with Swollen eyes and dried lips. Its been, i dont know, since i ended it with my boyfriend, Haris, on a 2 year streak. Little did i know he was cheating on me for 4 months with a teenage girl and apparently had a lot of fun. Love is funny. Love is hurtful but its funny. I mean look at me, i was the one who called it off, and here i am waking up at 2 being all soppy. So i unlocked my phone and started scrolling through twitter and instagram to shake my mind off it. Until, a message pops up. A boy.

' hey! Lilian is it? Im Azri! saye duduk bilik sebelah'

Well, i guess thats why Dahlia moved. She felt guilty after what she did to me. Come on she broke a 2 year relationship. Little did i know my boyfriend was cheating on my neighbour and living in the same FLOOR as her couldnt be worse. but her moving to the upper floor does not make any difference .
But i dont hate her. She was nice, we were friends. But i just cant look at her face anymore.

'Awak kenal saya? Saya sekolah menengah dengan awak '

Oh okay, i guess i should know who is this. One thing led to another , the next thing i knew i was in his room talking and talking. Hes the guy that i want. Not some guy that would cheat on me willy nilly . Until... I passed out .

I woke up in a room. My eyes were blurry, i saw something though that was covering my body. Red. Drenched. The smell of iron quickly hit my nose. Blood. Lots of it.

' HEY ! '

I saw a figure entering the room, that guy, i forgot his name. Aris? Azren? Oh thats right azri. Fucking bitch.


He was covered in blood too. What the hell is going on. I slapped him. Not because i was mad but i was just confused, cause non of my limbs were broken nor hurt, but theres blood. But he didnt react to it. It was like, he was drugged or something . What did i do. What did we do. What happened.

' Lilian, wake up, you're screaming again. '

I woke up, where am I? Im on my bed, at 12 am, swollen eyes dried lips. Im in my room. But im not alone.

' Sayang, whats wrong- AH! '

' Sayang im sorry '

That dream, those drenches of blood. It wasn't azri's doing.

It was mine.

' Sayang, i mimpi you curang dengan i, so now you're mine and nobody can have you okay sayang ' as i pushed the knife deeper into his abdomen.

I gave Haris a gentle kiss before he blew his last breath and went out the room. 12 am . Its still early. Little did i know i fell asleep on the couch. Then a message pops up.

' hi! Im Azri! '

' Hey Dahlia, you home? i need to talk to you at your place '
i smiled as i saw the bag filled with its contents.

I took the bag , went out of my room and knocked on Azri's door . Calm cool composure .

' Time to do some dirty work'
I smiled.

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