Chapter 6

51 4 11

Lily's POV

The music plays loudly all around me and I walk down the isle, as the other seniors behind me watch until the last senior walks to the front and sits in our designated seats.  Mark is directly behind me, he was one of the first seniors to walk because his last name starts with 'C'.

"Okay, at this time the valedictorian will come up at speak," she turns to me.  I'm valedictorian.  I am so bad at talking in front of people.  I'm not comfortable.  When I was about eight I had to give a report in front of my whole class.  It was about the anatomy of the human body, which was a gross concept for me.  I stood in front of my class, my stomach churning.  I took a deep breath and instead of words coming out, vomit.  I threw up in front of my class, it was so embarrassing.  After that I try to never speak in front of anybody, but I couldn't get out of being valedictorian.  I guess I could, but I wasn't going to do bad in school, just so I didn't have to speak in front of the graduating seniors and their families.

I grab my paper, my palms sweating, and walk onto the stage.  When I get to the podium I find my paper with wrinkles all over it, I must not have realized I was crumbling it as I walked up here.

"Fellow students and classmates, before I start I would like to say, 'Congratulations' to all of us.  Of course, college is not 'easy', it's not something you would want to quit just because a day doesn't go your way.  Of course, that's what I wanted to do.

I constantly got bullied, and had a hard time with my work, but that doesn't make me a quitter.  And looking out here today, I see all of you have decided not to quit.

Our teachers and professors also helped us in school.  Some you could talk to with any problem you had.  Some knew when you needed help.  And some were so kind that they would always help you, before your classmates even knew you were in trouble.

Without these people, we wouldn't be where we are today.  We wouldn't be sitting here today watching this group of students twiddle their thumbs while they wait anxiously for those diplomas they worked so hard for."

I look down at my paper realizes what's next.  But something comes to mind that my mom talked to me about.  Jesus.  If it's true, I would want everyone to know.  Even though, I'm not sure.  I look up at the huge student body staring at me and say, "There's one more person I'd like to thank, Jesus Christ.  Without Jesus, I wouldn't be here, I would have broken down about two years ago.  He's given me the strength to push through these hard four years, and be strong.  Constantly throughout the year I've used one specific verse to help me get through college.

'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,' Philippians 4:13

It reminds me that no matter what I go through, as long as I have Jesus Christ, He can help me get through it, and He definitely has.

If you go away remembering only one thing today, I want you to remember that.  Jesus will always help you with anything that you're going through.  He wants your heart, and He is always there for you.

Once again I'd like to say 'Congratulations' to my fellow classmates.  Thank you,"

I smile and walk off the stage, surprised that my stomach was fine.  It didn't feel queasy at all, and once I said my first sentence, the nerves shot out of me and I felt so comfortable.  Again it goes back to the verse I used, Philippians 4:13.  Jesus definitely helped me get through that speech, I think.  I mean, that's never happened before-the nerves just gone like that.  Now I just have to do it again tomorrow.

The graduation 'director' steps on stage and runs through what we do before we throw our hats.  Once she finishes talking we take off our gowns and caps, put them in the closet, and get ready to head home.

I feel a tap on my shoulder before I turn around to see Mark, "Hey Lily," he pauses and looks down.

"Hey," I smile at him.

Mark looks down, smiling before he looks up at me with the cutest smirk I have ever seen, "I was wondering...."  he pauses.  I'm surprised Mark is opening up all of the sudden.  "I was wondering.." he sighs, "wondering if you wrote that speech by yourself."  It sounds more like a statement than a question.

I feel a smile fade on my face.  Was I really expecting something more?  Maybe.  "Yeah.  I did, but that last part was just on the spot."

"That part was my favorite," he smiles.

I giggle before looking him in the beautiful brown eyes, "Thanks."  Mark believed in God.  If God is real, which I'm starting to think He is, He has got to be getting Mark through his troubles with his dad.

He smiles and waves 'bye' before walking towards his dorm.

"Wait!" I call back.  What am I doing?

He turns back and walks toward me again, "Yeah?"

"So.. this God.  I've heard things about Him and didn't believe them.  I thought it was crazy that someone was always watching over me because of what happens in my life.  Why would God want me to go through all this?  Then, I think of you.  You're crazy for God and you still go through all this, but you always smile, and you're always positive.  I don't understand.  I don't know what to believe."

He smiles wider than I have ever seen him do, "God puts us through situations that we don't understand sometimes.  But, we can look forward to what's coming up.  In the Bible it says that one day Jesus will come back and take His people up to heaven.  Heaven is where you go when you die if you asked Jesus into your heart.  There is no pain, no suffering, no tear, no sadness, no grief, no anger, none of that.  Only happiness, and joy, and roads of gold."

"That sounds wonderful, how do you know it's real?"

"Well, I know God is real and that the Bible is from Him.  He wouldn't lie, so I trust His word," he smiles back at me.

I ponder his words for a second before saying 'thanks'.  I turn to walk away before it's Mark's turn to call, "Wait, Lily."  He looked down again, "I was wondering earlier if you wanted to come to my youth group at church?  It's on Wednesdays at six o'clock.  I could pick you up or you could meet me there if you're not comfortable since I don't know you that well."

"That sounds cool.  I'll drive there, no offense to you, I would like to learn how to get there," I smile at him.

His whole face brightens up, "Awesome, let me right down the address."  He grabs my speech paper, finds a pen, and writes it on the back.  "Here you go."

"Thanks, Mark.  I appreciate it," I smile.

"So do I," he says before walking off.  What did he mean by that?  He liked I was interested in God?  He liked that I was going?  He liked me?  No.  Couldn't be.  Could it?  Maybe.  But, why would he like me?  I don't know.  I start thinking as I walk to my dorm, maybe I did have a little bit of feelings for Mark, just maybe.

Mark's POV

"Jason, I can't do that," I look into his eyes with a firmness I didn't know I had.

"Yes.  You can and you will or that favor I promised is off."

I feel like this is all wrong.  I couldn't do what Jason was asking.  Not today.  Not ever.  Jason was asking me to do something horribly wrong.  But, if I didn't do it he wouldn't do the favor.  I don't need the favor do I?  If Lily likes me, she will like me for me, not because Jason interferes.  But, she might actually like me.  No.  Who am I kidding, probably not.  She barely talks to me, she probably thinks I'm weird.


Oh no!  What?  Mark and Jason... huh?

Well, what do you think Jason wants with Lily, or what Lily thinks of Mark?

God bless! :)

Have a great day and week! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2013 ⏰

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