Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry, Ashlynn. Daddies aren't supposed to be like that." I dab the wet washcloth on her stomach where she is cut. "He won't do it anymore, though."

"I just," she pauses and I look up at her sitting on my bed. "I just don't get it, Lily. I loved daddy. Alot. And he hit me all the time. But, I don't get why he hit me. I would only ask him a question, or I would bring him something. I loved him."

I keep my eyes fixed on Ashlynn. She isn't crying, which is surprising because I have a few tears running down my cheeks. But, she has her brows furrowed in confusion. What really hits me is that she loves Dan, well she loved him. I can hear it in her voice, I can see it in her eyes. But, she doesn't understand why Dan hit her. She just wanted to make him happy. I grab some ointment for her cut and a bigger bandaid than what she had on. After I rub some ointment on her belly and stick the bandaid on, I look back up at her. "I know, Ash. You know how we handle our anger by stomping? Well, sometimes daddies get angry and they handle it in the wrong way. Do you understand?" Ashlynn nods at me as she pulls her shirt down. I sit next to her on the bed and grab her hand in both of mine. "My daddy did it to me. I thought I couldn't tell anyone because no one cared. I thought my daddy would get in trouble. But I eventually told Kilie, your mommy, and she told me that it happened to her too. See, it's better to tell someone, because they can help you. I'm really glad you told me now, Ash, but you should have told me sooner, so I could have helped you. I love you."

She smiles at me, "I love you too, Lily."

I tuck the hair behind her ear that has made it's way in her face. "And I promise that will never happen again. You can live with me."

Her eyes lit up, her eyebrows raised, "Can I? It would be just like our sleep overs, but all the time! We could do our hair, our nails, you could take me to the mall everyday," I stopped her there.

"Woah woah woah. As fun as that sounds, I'm not made of money, girl." I lean over and poke her belly, forgetting about the cut I just patched up.

Lily must have sensed my thoughts because she responded with, "It's okay, Lily. It didn't really hurt. I'm eight, I'm practically an adult! I can handle anything," She winks at me and I can't help but laugh.

"Hey, Ash I have an idea." She raises her eyebrows and nods her head a little in question. "How about we start this night off with a movie. Whatever movie you want." When Ashlynn jumps up, ready to speak, I stop her again. "Except for 'The Notebook'. You're still young for that movie." I smile at her attempt, once again, to try and make me cave. Everytime we have a movie night she asks to watch 'The Notebook'. I rave about it all the time, so she has wanted to watch it. I won't let her, though. She sighs and slumps her shoulders, trying to make me give in. A chuckle escapes me, "Ash, save your energy."

She giggles and stops immediately. "Thanks, being a drama queen is exhausting."

"Must not be that exhausting, you're like that everyday." I smirk at her and laugh. She laughs too.

"Ha-ha," She says in a mocking tone.

"Let's go pick a movie," I say walking out the door, Ashlynn on my tail. We walk out of my bedroom to my living room. Ashlynn stares at my movies for a good five minutes and after I urge her to 'just pick one' she picks 'Up', the Disney movie. After me saying how it's sad and I always cry, she tells me to suck it up and be a nineteen year old. I couldn't stop the laugh that came out. She got up, turned the tv on, and stuck the movie in.

The movie ended with Ashlynn's head on my shoulder and a garbage full of tissues at my feet. About halfway through the movie Ashlynn sat on my lap and rested her head on my shoulder. I started stroking her hair along with the side of her face, something she has loved since she was little, and she was a goner in no more than ten minutes. I could see her eyes blink, stay closed for two seconds, and shoot open again, trying so hard to stay awake to finish the movie. She had no chance.

I think it's so cute when kids fall asleep. I sat with her on my lap and the title screen playing, still stroking her hair. I give her a soft kiss on the forehead and she starts moving, shaking a few moments after I kissed her. I continue to stroke her hair, figuring she must be having a bad dream. But, this does no good. After a few moments of shaking, she starts moving around, followed by thrashing. I shake her, trying to wake her. She jumps up from my shoulder, gasping. She looks around frantically, taking short shallow breaths in and out. "Ashlynn! Ashlynn. Ash, it's okay. You're okay. I'm right here."

She seems to relax a little, but she still shakes. "It was dad. He hit me over and over. I couldn't take it. It hurt so bad." A tear streams down her cheek.

I put the end of the couch up, so our feet could stay up and I push the back of the couch down. Rubbing Ashlynn's arms I tell her that she's okay and that everything is okay now. Dan isn't here to hurt her. "It's okay. I'm here." I lay down and pull her down with me, gently, right on top of me. "Daddy can't hurt you anymore. He won't. I promise. I promise that daddy will never ever hurt you again." She doesn't answer, she only looks up at me with a tiny smile - the ends of her mouth turned up the slightest bit - and I sense the trust in her eyes. I could see the hint of happiness when she smiled at me. She places her head on my shoulder and I continue, once again, stroking her hair along with the side of her face as she slowly drifts off.


Hey guys! What do you think of this chapter?


I also want to say, go check out RachaelCabot 's stories! She is so nice! Thanks!

Have a great day! God bless!

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