Chapter 9 ( Game ravishing)

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Reader's P.O.V.

Pearl and I walked hand in hand around the town and everyone seemed a little surprised. I had to admit, I was surprised too but not for the same reason as everyone else. Pearl was actually comfortable with us being together in public like this and it made me relieved. Eventually we fiddled around with the activities that Beach City had to offer which led us to the amusement park. I don't know why but we rode the teapots which Pearl did not understand the point of the ride and neither did I. However I did win her a gold fish. After the amusement park experience, I coerced her into going into the arcade with me. Like I mentioned before, Pearl didn't like wasting value time that could be used productively but she fooled around the place just for me.

Even if she questioned all of the games like she was currently doing at a game called pack rat man.

Pearl: Am I doing this right (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yes, all you have to do is eat all the dots, cheese, and other foods that appear.

Pearl: What's the point of this game again? How is this fun?

(Y/N): Well, some people believe that games can be used as a way for you to escape reality for a while.

Pearl: I do enjoy watching Steven play his video games at home from time to time but this game doesn't even make any sense. Why am I a rat and why do these cats try endlessly to stop me in my quest for food?

(Y/N): Bad history? Anyway, it's not important, I never liked old arcade games anyway. We can play much better ones at my house.

And that was how we eventually ended up at my house playing video games. Two players is so much more fun than soloing. Pearl was actually getting into the gaming experience and was very excited and competitive. I let her enjoy the console by herself for a minute while I went in to the kitchen to get a rather sizeable jar looking bowl to put her gold fish in. He didn't seem to have a care in the world as he blew bubbles in his knew home. Pearl had someone how came into the kitchen without me noticing her as she stared at the gold fish swim around.

(Y/N): There. He should be happy in that.

Pearl: Agreed.

(Y/N): you have anything else you would like to do today.

Pearl: Not in particular.

(Y/N): I won't be much help in coming up with anything. I'm not really sure what most girls like to do but my mother says girls like fashionable things like getting their hair done and stuff.

Pearl: Are you saying I should change my hair?

(Y/N): No but you can if you want to but not in the magical way. I can do it for you.

Pearl: Oh, ok then.

Pearl and I then went back to my room and she took a seat on my bed as I went over to my drawer to get the flat iron that Vidalia left at my house.

(Y/N): Heh.....She likes to practice hairstyles on me from time to time.

Pearl: Hmm, I see but I like the hairstyle you have now.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Time skip......

(Y/N): Ok, I'm done. You can look now.

I say as I put a hand mirror in front of Pearl.

Pearl: It looks beautiful (Y/n). Thank you.

I thought I did a pretty nice job. It may not be as good as Vidalia but Pearl bob hairstyle was fit her perfectly and the lily in her hair added a nice touch, not to mention an irresistible fragrance. I found myself leaning in to take a whiff before realizing that it was extremely weird and I should stop. Though Pearl blushed a lot, she didn't seemed to mind and in fact was rather flattered by my actions. Still, me being a guy and all, I can't help but do these types of tings around a girl I like especially if she didn't mind so I just continued to lean closer into her my weight made her shift under me.

I didn't want to feel like I was overpowering her when I kissed her without my permission but Pearl reassured me of such things when she kissed me back with just as much passion. We were like that for a minute or so until my need for air caused us to break away. All while we stared back at each other and I was gazing into Pearl's dazzling blue eyes. Seeing her face and her famous bluish blush just made me go crazy for her. Not long after we broke away, my lips were back on hers. I didn't want to be too rough so I made the kiss gentle yet firm and the longer we kissed, I found my self crawling over her even more until she was completely underneath me. Our tongues were just everywhere as they rubbed together with such fervor.

Pearl then let out a gasp and once that gasp hit my ears, I wasn't my usual self anymore. I had a strong desire that I never felt before and I just wanted to ravish Pearl. The next thing I knew, my actions became more aggressive and I found my self biting and sucking on the skin just above Pearl's chin. It looked beautiful when I stopped to look at it. The hicky was the color of Pearl's blush instead of a nasty bluish, reddish or blackish color. When I came to my senses and realized what I did, I was surprised as I quickly pushed myself off of Pearl.

(Y/N): I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get out of hand......

I was really embarrassed and sort of ashamed but these feelings were just so strong with Pearl around me. It felt really good and I liked interacting with her in such a way.

Pearl: It's fine...I didn't mind.

Pearl said softly.

(Y/n): wanna...hug?

Pearl: Of course.

Pearl said as she shot me a smile. I went over and embraced her and we where like that for a while until I fell asleep in her arms. I could say for a fact that it was peaceful.

PearlxMale Reader ( The Earl to your Pearl) Steven UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now