Chapter 15: Dragon Poison

Start from the beginning

"Erza? It it...?" Erza nodded sadly and Levy let her tears fall freely, "No...this can't be happening..." Erza quickly looked around and then to the door where she saw a blond mage with a scar over his right eye that looked like a thunder bolt. Erza ran over to him and stopped him before he could go any closer to the guild, 

"Laxus, if you go any closer to the guild you'll die." Laxus looked at Erza like she was crazy, 


"Dragon poison is everywhere in there and you will get it in your system if you go in there." Laxus eyes widened then he sighed in annoyance, 

"Fine. Then where do I go?" Erza smiled at his cooperation, 

"Anywhere but here is fine." Laxus nodded and walked away calmly. Erza sighed and walked back to the guild. She bent down and picked Gajeel up off the ground and started walking back up the stairs. Levy looked after Gajeel as Erza walked up the stairs. But before she made it to the top, she turned around and smiled gently at Levy, 

"You coming?" Levy nodded her head and ran after Erza. When they got to the top of the stairs and walked into the room, Levy saw Natsu, Wendy, and Gray sleeping in beds that were around the room. Levy looked to the corner and saw Lucy sleeping on the chair. Levy smiled and followed after Erza where she put Gajeel on one of the other beds. Levy sighed heavily and went to check on the rest of the mages. She went to Natsu and felt his heartbeat then checked his temperature. His temperature was sky high and his heartbeat was slow and hardly beating. She went to the other mages in the room and did the same. Wendy and Gajeel weren't as bad as Natsu since they started later than he did. But Gray seemed fine. He just looked like he was sleeping. Levy frowned and put her head to his chest. He was ice cold and his breathing was raspy, 

"Erza, do you have some of that night bloom left?" Erza nodded and pointed to the counter where Wendy had been working a little while ago. Levy walked over to the counter and grabbed some of the powder and put it in a cup. She brought it over to Gray and poured it into his mouth. He drank the water but turned on his side and started coughing violently. Levy gently pulled him back to his original position and walked over to Natsu. His head was bleeding badly and he had a horrible temperature. She walked back to the counter and grabbed a wet cloth. She put it on Natsu's head and changed out his bandages. She took care of the rest of the mages and sat down heavily on one of the chairs. Erza sat down beside her and smiled, 

"You're a pretty hard worker, huh Levy?" Levy smiled and looked at everyone in the room, 

"I guess so. But they're my family. I would do anything for them if it would be able to save their lives." Erza smiled and nodded, 

"Yeah. I know what you mean." Suddenly, Lucy woke up and looked around the room in confusion. Her eyes landed on Levy and she yawned, 

"Hey Levy..." Lucy looked around and saw the new addition of patients, 

"Gajeel..." Lucy looked over to Levy with a sad face, "I'm sorry Levy." Levy shook her head and smiled at Lucy, 

"It's not your fault Lucy." Levy was about to fall asleep when she heard movement coming from one of the beds. She opened her eyes and saw Natsu moving around in his bed. Then he quickly sat up and looked around in panic. He looked at Lucy, Levy, and Erza and frowned in confusion. Lucy got up and went over to Natsu in pure joy, 

"Um...where am I?" Lucy stopped and smiled at him, 

"You're in the infirmary." Natsu frowned and looked at Lucy, 

"Why?" Erza started getting worried as Natsu started looking more and more anxious. 

"Because you got hurt..." Lucy dropped her smile and stopped moving towards Natsu. He looked around him and saw all the people around him. He looked back to the three girls and tried backing away from them, 

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