Chapter 15- Clifton | The Affair of Seconds

Start from the beginning

No, the smell of the laundry detergent reminded him of home, where Blaize and him where little kids who would run down the stairs every morning to see who got to hug their dad first, the home where they would eagerly wait for "Pancake Tuesdays" and actually have a conversation at the dinner table. A home where their mother wasn't constantly cheating on their father who pretended like he didn't notice. A home where all of them would be a team. A home.

A home where the laundry actually got done inside, rather than at the dry cleaners.

He shook the thoughts out of his head and reached the edge of the shirt he was wearing to pull it off. Just starting to open out the folded white shirt that he would change into, his door opened and Myra rapidly walked in and pressed her back on it shutting it close.

Her breath stopped short and then her lips curved into up into a smirk. "Look's like I missed the show stud"

Clifton rolled his eyes and couldn't help but grin. He pulled the shirt over his head and got up to walk towards her. He could hear her clicking the door shut behind herself and watching his movements across the now tension thick room.

Once he reached her, he placed both his hands by the side of her head and inched himself closer towards her skin. Clifton swallowed as the smirk from her face disappeared and her lips parted for quicker breaths. "Hi" she whispered up to him.

He smiled softly and reached his fingers down to her cheek sliding a loose strand of hair behind her ear. He could feel the heat of her skin on the tips of his fingers and with every breath he exhaled, she filled her lungs with an inhale.

They were breathing each other.

"Hey" he finally replied

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go on another adventure.." she whispered and her eyelids slowly felt heavier as all she could focus on was Cliftons lips.

"I'd follow you everywhere" he said without thinking. Myra's eyes widened sharply and she swallowed another shaky breath down and then Clifton noticed her eyebrows crease into a slight frown.

He shadowed an inch of confusion when she looked down at her shoes rather than at his lips. His heart clenched, he wanted her to be looking at him. With his heart panicking  and beating at a hurricane quick rate. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped short when he heard her whisper. 

"What are we Clifton?" she said with a shaky breath coming out of her consternation filled lungs. Clifton eyes dropped to their bodies pressed against each other and couldn't help but think that he wanted to be closer. This feeling in heart, he wouldn't trade for anything, because it was her that put that feeling inside him. 

After moments passed by, he couldn't come up with a better explanation than the one that will filled with bittersweet honesty. 

"I don't know what we are...I know what I want us to be though. I know that I don't want us to stop. I know that I actually want there to be an 'us' " he said with his eyes still cast downwards, he heard her intake a sharp breath and he looked up to see her staring up at him with pain showing on her facial features. 

His eyes fell on her lips when she said the next words that rocked him to his core. "Maybe this was a mistake". 

A mistake. 

The words made him falter a step backwards and close his eyes to the silence that now surrounded them. When he opened his eyes, Myra's face was void of any emotion and just staring blank at him. 

She bit her bottom lip and spoke in a tone that reminded him of winter. "I didn't know that whatever this is- meant so much. I wasn't looking for that, and I'm sorry if what happened between us made you think otherwise. I was just looking for a fun time... and you were there." 

He stared at her with such strong confusion. Everything changed between them in a matter of seconds, he wanted to go back, he wanted to keep breathing her air and feeling her skin on his. "You can't pretend that what happened between us didn't mean anything to you, that it was just..." he couldn't even finish his sentence, he didn't want this. She wasn't telling him something, he thought of what they shared in the forest and knew that she wanted it as much as he did. Then why?! why was she doing this?

"I was high Clifton" Myra said with such determination in her voice it made Clifton's body go lax and all the hope of what could have been escape his bones with a last unsure exhalation.

All he could do was look at her. Look at her press her lips together in contemplation. Look at her take a step forward and then stop. Look at her lips as they said "I'm sorry, this was a mistake" for the second time that afternoon. Look at her glance up at him with the same emotionless eyes that his mother looked at him and his sister with. Look at her as she edged towards the door, with one last look behind her. He looked at her when she left. 

A mistake.







Lots of love,


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