Chapter five

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Abdul P.O.V
It's been a week since the the pancake incident, and honestly all has been going well. Except one thing, its getting hard for me not to be around Elliot. That's dangerous for my reputation, I know that sounds conceited as fuck but to be honest it's true. It's the weekend and I'm home alone watching TV, and my mom is over at her best friend's house. She is like a teenager when it comes to her best friend. Evelyn and Ava are inseparable, if you're wondering my mom is Evelyn and her best friend is Ava. They have known each other for their whole lives, and are just like sisters. Ava also has a son but he's younger since my mom actually had me at a pretty young age. She was 17 when she had me, which explains our strong bond and her coolness, shes only 35. Once in a while they sleep over at each other's houses like teenage girls, only difference is, they talk about life and get drunk on wine while painting their nails and trying on old dresses and reminiscing on their teenage days. How do I know? Once Ava was over and I forgot she was coming so I didn't sleep over at Mike's (my best friend) like I normally do. It was horrible, I wanted to shoot myself but they were really hilarious at the same time so I wasn't too mad about it, still wouldn't want a repeat tho.
I got distracted by my thoughts and started thinking about Elliot.
I had been playing 'hard to get' with him and honestly it backfired. He was actually beating me at my own game, playing hard to get was like a second nature to him. I had been getting a minimalistic amount of attention, and even less action. Honestly, I put myself in trouble, and now I needed a release and in any way. I thought about a few options with Elliott and concluded that they'd all fail, so I decided to fall back to the good old method of 'your girlfriend is your hand' if you know what I mean.

Elliot P.O.V
I was at home laying on Alex's bed. I'm not even gonna lie about what I was doing right now even though I was being very creepy. If you can put two and two together then you've understood that I'm looking through his window and into Abdul's bedroom, if not, now you know. Abdul had been playing hard to get, which was an idiotic thing to do since I was legit the queen of that. So I showed him how to play his own game, in other words i finished what he started and now he's practically begging me for attention or action. Here's the thing though, I really actually like Abdul. Hes not some kind of prolonged one night stand to me (Even though we havent had sex yet). What I'm trying to say is that what I feel for him is not only physical attraction. I won't be the side hoe, and I think that's what he thinks I am, I think its just physical for him.
I was torn away from my thoughts by the man himself entering his room, followed by a Blondie. She's pretty by the way, he never told me he had a pretty friend, I mean hes talked to me about all his friends. He took his shirt off and she did the same. Damn she had huge boobs. Boobs, her boobs, naked, sex, they're having sex! Fuck no! What the fuck took me so long. I must have been falling asleep or something! Hes not having sex with her. Not under my watch.
'You're gonna learn to lock your mothefucking doors, Abdul Parker' i think as I swing his door open and rush up stairs. On my way I grab a bottle of water from the fridge.
I get to his door and hear, moans, then I hear them stop.
'I think someone's here' I hear Abdul say.

'Of course not babe, there couldn't be your mom is over at Ava's place and that's the only person who has the key.' thotiana answered.

'You locked it right?' she asked.

'yea' Abdul answered in a moan.

'wrong answer!' I shouted as I swing a second door today.

'Elliot, I can explain, I swear its not what it looks like' Abdul says in a hurry and gets off the bed.

'WELL DAMN! I gotta be on ecstacy or LSD because I know what I saw and my eyes never deceived me. No explanation needed here!' I shouted.

'Elliot, please-' I cut him off ' shut the fuck up, with how much you already had it going, who knows what other lies you could make up now. I really liked you, you know, clearly I was wrong to do that, fuck you, honestly with a girl? This fucking bitch??!'

'who the fuck are you talking about?' the hoe spoke.

'Im talking about your sorry ass, and piece of advice, you're better off shutting the fuck up now because I know you don't wanna catch these hands.' I said

'Stacey please leave, get out.' Abdul said. Surprisingly she got up, took her clothes and left.

'Elliot, listen I'm sorry.' he said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I wanted his touch but I still resisted,. Because right now it felt like an insult, it stung, burned even 'don't you dare touch me, after being all over that slut, who knows what kind of STDs she has.'

'please don't back away from me, Elliot. I'm sorry.' he pleaded

'you know what? I don't even know what I'm mad about, im not your boyfriend, neither are you. I guess I just got too attached. I'm sorry, you'll never have to hear from me again.' I said and started running out.

He ran after me, and grabbed my arm ' Elliot please I'm sorry , you didn't get too attached, I fucked up, I'm really sorry.' He said

'Don't you ever fucking touch me again, fuck you.' I spat as I left.

Abdul's P.O.V:
I punched my wall, for the 17th time and now I was sure my knuckles were bleeding, the wall also took a beating. I was punching the wall for each tear that ran down my face but then it became a stream and I collapsed to the floor. 'Fuck my life' I wanted to scream but the pain wouldn't let my voice out. I layed there, motionless waiting for one thing out of these two options: for Elliot to forgive my un-worthy ass or for death to just take me. Fuck, I never realized how much I needed him, until I let him slip.

Do you think Elliot should forgive him or not?
Ill try to get the next chapter up by tmrw y'all 😘😘

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