Chapter Nineteen

Începe de la început

“I mean, I guess we could…” I say hesitantly, shifting my eyes over to him quickly, my fingers working over the imprint of my name in the necklace nervously.

He turns to me, shocked. Licking his lips he replies, “Really?”

I nod slowly, still at unease with the idea. Then I think to myself, I’ve got nothing to lose.

His face breaks out in a wide grin, flashing pearly whites in my direction.

“You’re serious?” he checks.

I bite my tongue to stop a sassy outburst and instead answer, “Yes, now stop asking or I’ll hurt you.” I warn. Woops, I guess biting my tongue didn’t work.

“Awesome!—I mean, great, that’s cool, you know…” he exclaims, but calms himself, trying to keep cool.

I snort and roll my eyes before leaving Justin’s side to retrieve my skateboard. While straightening myself up and dusting off my skateboard I ask, “What do you want to sing, then?”

The question takes him by surprise, as if he hadn’t really thought about it yet. I watch his face screw up in thought, noticing the way he bites his lips slightly when he’s thinking. I shake my head. Nope, not examining his face, that counts as checking him out—which I wasn’t doing, by the way. Wait, who am I trying to convince? Myself? I thought I already had all that under control.

“I have no idea.” He finally says, looking down at his feet for a minute before rocking back onto his heels.

I chew the inside of my cheek as I make my way back to stand next to him.

“If you even think about making the duet romantic I will break your pretty boy face.” I threaten, while poking his chest a couple of times.

“Pretty boy?” he inquires, giving me this smug, smoldering look.

Fighting the urge to sock him in the arm, I sweep my hair across my shoulder and look up at him, dropping the subject. Okay, we’ve kissed twice, saying he’s a “pretty boy” might not have been the best idea.

“Whatever, just think of a song, okay?” I press, antsy to get home.

Turning on my heel, I start down the driveway, swinging my skateboard slightly. The sound of footsteps behind me makes my eyebrows stitch together in confusion. Am I hearing things? I tell myself I am, and stop to drop my skateboard on the pavement below my feet. A hand on my upper arm, makes me freeze completely before I’m turned around to face Justin again.

What does he want? I was just in his garage like thirty seconds ago, he could have yelled down the driveway. He ducks his head with a playful grin, coming close to whisper-sing lyrics at me.

Please don't leave me

Please don't leave me

Hold on. What? Did I miss something? The reason he just sang that takes time to register in my head. My eyes squint with thought at first, but widen in realization.

“You want to sing that?” I question unsurely, “Like, as a duet?”

He nods enthusiastically.

“Sing the next part.” He urges, shaking my shoulder.

I scowl at the physical contact and then glance around as if searching for the lyrics. Oh man! What’s the next part? I tap my foot and nod my head, willing the lyrics to come forth.

I always say how I don't need you

Justin sings, helping me to find the words once he realizes I’ve drawn a blank.  Nodding, I remember the lyrics and sing the next part to him.

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