~dReSs CoDeS~

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I don't understand dress codes, they're just confusing. Like, what do the creators of this code think is going to happen? If someone sees a shoulder their raging teen hormones will go ~cRaZy~ and they won't be able to control themselves? Now that I think about maybe they do it to protect girls from being slutshamed and catcalled. Instead, a better way to fix this problem is to teach boys to be a gentleman and not treat women like objects. But I think the actual reason that dress codes are inflicted is because of the ideals left over from the 1800's that women have to be modest and cover themselves even if it is 90 outside and it would feel real nice to wear a tank top. The teachers in my school dont actually care as long as you're not half naked or something, but clearly teachers in other schools care. Well that was it. I don't have anything else to say. Bye.

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