Gender Roles

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By now I've given up on having proper grammar and bug words. I'm just gonna type whatever I want and try not to make it sound like a formal essay.

One of my biggest pet peeves is the scouts in america. In girl scouts, or at least the two years I was in it, sold cookies and put plastic bags on peoples doors. The older ranks may have done more exciting things but nothing compared to the boy scouts. The boy Scouts got to go cabling and fishing and make cool things. I wish I could have been in boy scouts because it seems like so much fun. And it's sad that people still think that only boys are supposed to fish and hunt and camp, anc girls are supposed to make crafts and sell cookies.

I'm just going to put a couple videos that talk about most of the things I want to mention:

Something that the videos don't mention is feelings. Men are supposed to be strong and not show emotion and women are supposed to weak and emotional and gossip and talk about boys a lot. Sure women gossip but I'm sure guys gossip too, just differently. And I dont want to talk about boys, I'd rather talk about the bomb ass song I discovered earlier.

Well there you go↠

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