David Madsen x Reader (1)

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It wasn't like you to act like a complete goodie-two-shoes, but you did everything you could to get on the security guards good side. As creepy as a lot of the students found him, you couldn't help but feel attracted to him for no particular reason. Maybe it was the fact that he was an authority figure, or maybe you were just attracted to real 'men' instead of the immature boys in your class.

"Thank you (Y/N) for letting me know. I'll be sure to look into it further" he says, smiling down at you. David Madsen smiling, now that was a rare sight to see. He nods his head at you, turning to resume his patrol down the hallway. You reach a quick hand out and softly grab his arm, stopping him from leaving. You take a step closer so that only he can hear your next words.

"Could we please keep this between us? I don't want Nathan finding out it was me who told on him" you explain, worried that if word got out you would be picked on for being a tattle tale. Despite being worried about people finding out, you weren't ashamed one bit for throwing Nathan under the bus. After all, he has always been a douche bag and kind of deserves it.

David looks down at your hand that still rests on his arm, his expression quickly turning uncomfortable when he notices the several students who are giving you both weird looks. To his dismay, you remove your hand and return it back to your side.

"Of course. It will be our secret" he whispers, winking at you briefly before turning on his heel and disappearing down the hall.

*Ringing Bell* Shit! Late for class..


Walking with your books in hand, the loud horn behind you manages to catch you completely off guard, dropping everything on the dirt covered ground.

"Hey! You want a ride or what??" Chloe asks, rolling down her truck window.

"You scared the shit out of me!"

"You'll live" she replies with a smile.

You roll your eyes at her, quickly picking up your books and accepting her offer. You move around to the passenger side, flinging the car door open and slamming the rusty thing shut behind you.

"So, how was your day dear?" she jokes while cutting through the back of the school parking lot.

Before you can even open your mouth to respond, Chloe slams on the breaks making you thankful for the seat belt secured across your chest. When you look up, you heart sinks at the realization that she almost ran over David. When the shock of what almost happened seems to wear out from his body, he begins moving towards Chloe's window. Uh oh, hopefully Chloe doesn't get arrested for reckless driving.

"Chloe! You nearly killed me! How many times have I told you to pay attention when driving!" he shouts at her as if he is her parent.

"You came out of no where! How was it my fault?!"

"Chloe Price.. Do not raise your voice with me!". Wait a minute, are you missing something here?

"Yeah yeah, see you at home dad" she replies back in her sassy tone. The minute that David's eyes meet yours, Chloe floors it leaving David in the dust.

"What the hell, Chloe? You never told me that David was your dad!"

"Not my dad - my step douche. And I didn't think it was important?" she replies, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah about that.. How would you feel if I told you that the older guy I've been telling you I've got my eye on just so happened to be your step douche" you explain shyly, hiding your face in your sweater. To your surprise, Chloe let's out a loud laugh.

"Seriously? What the hell do you see in David of ALL people. When you said an older guy, I was expecting some hot middle aged hunk with a six pack".

You sit in silence, shrugging your shoulder when you fail to think of a way to respond. You couldn't explain your feelings, It was just the way things were.

"Alright, we aren't going to your house. You're coming over to have dinner with the whole family. After this news, I can already think of a couple ways to have fun. Just promise me you won't bang my step-dad" she says, pulling into the drive way.

"Ugh Chloe! Why do you have to make it sound so cringey".

When you both climb out of the truck, she moves around to approach you.

"First things first, you aren't hiding these babies today" she says, unzipping your sweater so that your cleavage shows from the low cut tank top you are wearing underneath. "He should be here any minute now" she adds, placing her hands on her hips.

Sure enough, within a brief minute, David pulls up in his car to park behind Chloe. He steps out clearly still angry about before. Chloe however speaks first hoping to distract him from there exchange earlier.

"Hey Dad, I hope you don't mind if (Y/N) stay for dinner?" she asks, watching with a smile as David focuses his attention on you.

"Hi (Y/N), Of cour-" his eyes bounce to your cleavage causing him to stop his own sentence before awkwardly resuming. "Ahem, Of course she can stay. (Y/N) would be a good influence on you".

Chloe lets out a small laugh before pulling you behind her to lead you inside the house.

"Just a second Chloe. I need to speak with (Y/N) privately for a moment". Chloe releases your hand, giving you a smirk before entering the house to leave you and David alone.

"Is everything alright?" you ask, curious as to what he can't say in front of his own step-daughter.

"I just wanted to let you know that I dealt with Nathan today and discarded any illegal/harmful substances he had hiding away in his dorm. Your name was never mentioned"

"That's great, thank you so much" you smile, relieved that no one would find out it was you who told on Nathan.

"No - Thank you (Y/N), you made my job a lot easier". David sets a hand on your shoulder, eyes staring deep into yours. It seems like being a goodie-two-shoes was paying off after all.

Earlier today when you had set a hand on him, he seemed to tense up from your contact. But now, being alone with no one around to see seemed to give him more confidence. Just as you are about to get lost in his eyes, the sound of Joyce calling out startles you both.

"David? What are you still doing outside. Dinner is getting cold!" she shouts, forcing you both to snap back to reality.

"After you" he says, motioning for you to walk in front of him. You smile innocently at him although your inner diva makes extra sure to sway your butt as you walk through the front door.

<The End>

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