Nathan x Reader (1)

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*WARNING ~ Mature Content*

"Ugh, do I have to go?" you ask, desperate to stay in your dorm.

"Well, you don't technically have to but we really want you ther-"

"Yes, now get your ass up!" Chloe abruptly interrupts Max, moving over to where you are sitting to pull you into a standing position.

"Alright alright, FINE you win. Just give me a second to change and get ready and I'll be down in a second.." you say, finally agreeing to go with your friends to the 'End of the World" party. You watch as they exchange a glance with one another, looking pleased that they were able to convince you before moving to exit your dorm. Instead of rushing to get yourself prepared, you take a second to sit at your computer and search Facebook for any details on what the parties like. Sure enough, Victoria Chase has already uploaded 20 photos within not even 15 minutes of it starting. You roll your eyes at the screen, clicking through her album of mostly slutty-selfies until a group picture pops up. Your eyes scan the picture for any familiar faces until they land on Nathan standing at the end with a big smile on his face. Gross. You and Nathan had never gotten along, although you've never really given each other the opportunity to actually sit down and talk. To top things off, his behavior towards Max and Chloe is just as bad. He likes to think that he runs the town and is the boss of everyone, and you despise him for being such a prick about it. His eyes stare back at you through the screen until you realize you've been glaring at the monitor for several moments. Sure Nathan is an absolute asshole, but even you have to admit he's extremely good-lookin-


"(Y/N)!! What's taking so long!! Get your butt out here!!!" You suddenly hear Chloe shout from outside the door causing you to jump from your seat.

"Just a minute!!" You call back, quickly throwing on some skinny jeans and a cute sweater. Adding some final touches to your make up and hair, you manage to open the door for your friends in less than 5 minutes.

"Ready" you say, trying to hide the fact that you are out of breath.

"Awesome. Lets go" Max replies, leading the way.

Later in the evening:

Standing in the corner, you make no effort to hide how miserable you are. You watch with arms crossed as Max and Chloe dance a short distance away from you. Everyone seems to be having the time of there lives except for you. You think about how you could be back in your dorm, buried under blankets, listening to music on your laptop. A figure emerging from the corner of your eye pulls you out of your daydream, turning your head to find Nathan standing right next to you.

"Why are you standing here like a creep watching people dance?" he asks, taking a sip out of his beer.

"Did you walk all the way over here just to tell me that?" you reply, annoyed.

"No, I walked over here to tell you to stop being a creep. Either dance and pretend you're having a good time, or leave"

"Don't tell me what to do. Why don't you go dance and leave me alone?"

"I don't dance" he simply replies, taking another sip of his drink.

"And neither do I" you add, rolling your eyes at him. To your surprise, Nathan pulls out another can of beer and offers it to you. "No... thanks" you refuse as kindly as you possibly can.

"Why did you even come here if you're not going to at least try and have good time?" he asks in response to your obviously negative attitude.

"Chloe and Max wanted me to come"

"Oh.." he begins, quickly staring at the both of them before turning his attention back to you. "As much as I hate them, at least they know a good party when they see one. They probably saved you from another boring night in your life"

"Actually, If I wasn't here I would have been binge watching movies in my dorm which is a lot more exciting than this" you explain. If only Netflix had recent and good movies to watch, you think to yourself.

"Who needs Netflix when I have hundreds of new and recent movies on my USB drive" he unexpectedly replies. You didn't even realize you said that out loud. The loud music and flashing lights must be getting to you.

"No way" you reply, not believing a word he says. "How is that even possible?"

"Anything is possible when you're a Prescott. I'll tell you what... I'll let you borrow it IF that means you leave and quit bringing the mood down" he offers. In any normal circumstance, you would never trust Nathan, but anything was better than being here so you nod your head in agreement. "It's in my dorm though so you're going to have to come with me to get it"

"Fine. Make it quick" you reply, Chloe and Max not even noticing you leaving with Nathan Prescott.

*At Nathan's Dorm*

"Got it" he says, grabbing what appears to be a USB stick from his messy desk.

"By any chance, do you have Jurassic World on there?"

"Of course. That's my favorite movie" he replies, making his way over to you.

"Really? Mine too". It's interesting to see that as much as you and Nathan hadn't initially gotten along, you actually seem to have a lot in common. Maybe there is a good side to him all along.

"I never took you for the type of person to have good taste in movies" he says, clearly catching onto the similarities as well. He holds up the USB stick for you to take, but quickly pulls it away the second you try to reach for it.


"I'm not just going to give it to you for free" he says with a smirk.

"Seriously? I don't have any money.."

"I don't want your money. I want a kiss". Your expression changes from confused to shocked, unable to understand why Nathan would even want a kiss from you in the first place.

"I'm not kissing you" you firmly state, crossing your arms. "Just give me the damn stick". You reach for it but he once again pulls it back.

"No kiss, no stick. Looks like you walked all the way over here for no reason" he replies, walking back over to his desk to put the USB down.

"Ugh you're so god damn annoying.. you know that?". Making your way over to him, you lean in to plant what you thought was going to be a quick kiss on his lips. Instead, Nathan immediately grasps your face into his hands to keep you pressed against him. Within seconds, his tongue is eagerly inside your mouth while his hands run down your back to grip your ass. He walks you backwards until you fall onto his bed, eagerly climbing on top of you. Instead of fighting, your body strangely gives into him, allowing his lips to attack yours once more. He moves to your neck, planting several kisses with such need and desire. Maybe all this time, you both have had extreme sexual tension and you were to oblivious to notice. He unzips your sweater revealing your red lace bra. Leaving in such a hurry gave you no time to wear anything underneath. Taking full advantage, he squeezes them beneath his palms causing an unexpected moan to escape your lips. Next, he unbuttons your jeans and stands up to peel them off of you. You watch as he moves to the side of his room, pulling out a condom from his drawer. He moves fast, removing his clothing to which his erection springs into view. He climbs back on top of you, fiddling around with the condom wrapper to try and open it. Feeling brave, you grab it from his hands and open it yourself. Trying to tease him as much as you can, you lean up and begin slowly rolling the condom onto him. His head falls back in pleasure from the lightest of your touch causing you to smirk up at him in lust. Unable to wait any longer, he rips your panties off and jerks himself inside of you. With each thrust, you feel yourself building up and closer to the edge. Within moments, you both reach your climax, intertwining your fingers through his hair as you do. Only a couple of hours ago were you complaining about how boring this night was going to be, but you had no idea it was going to end in such a pleasurable way.

<The End>

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