Warren x Reader (1)

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You are relaxing on your bed with your laptop, music blaring in yours ears when your phone lights up beside you. Taking out a headphone, the loud vibrations reveal that your alarm had gone off. Across the screen are the words "Science lab report due tomorrow!!". You suddenly panic, completely ashamed at how you managed to forget about such an important assignment. You slide your finger across the screen, seizing the alarm while practically throwing your laptop off of you to stand and pace around the room. It was 8:00pm, meaning that the only way you could pull the assignment off was if you pulled an all-nighter. The only problem was that your lab report requires you to conduct an experiment you know nothing about, and the equipment you need is at the school. Moving quick, you reach for your phone and speed dial Warren, hoping he'd be willing to help. Turning the phone on speaker so that you can get changed, Warren wastes no time, picking up on the first ring.

"Hey (Y/N)! What can I do for you?" Warren asks in his usual enthusiast tone.

"Hey, do you think you could help me out with a science project? I kind of forgot about it and I could really use the help" you explain, slipping on your sweater.

"You've come to the right person for science help - I can be at your dorm in 10!" he immediately agrees.

"Actually Warren, I need you to meet me in the science room at school. We are going to have to conduct an experiment"

"Awesome! Ill be there"

"Thanks Warren, I owe you one. See you soon" you say, moving to end the call. You grab everything you need, making sure not to forget anything and head out the door.

*At the school*

Feeling your phone vibrate in your pocket, you check to see that Warren has messaged to notify you of his speedy arrival. He had somehow managed to beat you to the school, turning the corner to see him standing at the front door patiently awaiting you. When he catches sight of you, he beams his cute smile over in your direction.

"Hi Warren, thank you so much for meeting me here" you say, smiling back at him. He opens his arms to greet you with a hug. You accept, stepping in to allow his arms to wrap tightly around you. For some strange reason, you can't help but feel yourself blush a little, the romantic and quiet night sky making things more intimate than usual. The friendship you've had with Warren has always been complicated. The feelings for him are there, yet you've kept them buried inside of you for far to long, not wanting to ruin the strong friendship you have.

"You know I've always got your back, (Y/N)" Warren says, pulling away to hold the door open for you. Entering the school with Warren following close behind, you lose complete sight as soon as the front door shuts behind you both. All lights have been shut off leaving it nearly impossible to see. You can hear Warren walking behind you, and then in front of you, running shoes squeaking on the floor as he moves around. You hesitate for a moment, not knowing what direction to move in.

"Warren" you call out, finally stepping forward while moving your hands out in front of you. Suddenly, you feel a soft hand grasp onto yours, leading you forwards in the dark. You intertwine your fingers with Warren's, extremely glad you aren't here alone.

"Come on, I think it's this way" he says, pulling you behind him. You both move slow, careful not to bump into anything. You can't help but smile to yourself from the warm feeling that bursts through your chest. Walking hand-in-hand with Warren for the first time couldn't feel more right. When you finally manage to locate the science room, your heart aches when Warren releases your hand, a strange feeling of emptiness taking its place. He closes the door behind him, and you move to switch on only the front classroom lights.

"We should probably hurry, It would be bad if we both got caught" you explain stepping closer to Warren. "I wouldn't want you getting in trouble because of me". Anxiety rushes through you at the thought of Warren getting in trouble because of your selfish needs.

"Hey" he says softly, resting a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry. No one's going to even know we're here" he states, trying to calm your nerves.

"You're right" you exhale, followed by a deep breath to keep you focused on the task. "Let me look through my papers for the instructions so we can get through this as quickly as possible"

"Lucky for you, I've already done the experiment and know exactly what to do. Don't worry about the instructions, just hand me an Erlenmeyer flask" he instructs, reaching into a bin to pull out two safety goggles.

"A what now?"

"An Erlenmey- Uhh, never mind. I'll grab the stuff, you just prepare your observation table" he says and you smile sweetly, feeling embarrassed from how dumb he must think you are.

*After the experiment*

Quickly cleaning up, you finally begin to relax a little from the relief of successfully completing your assignment.

"Wow - we managed to finish everything and its only 11:00pm!" Warren says, happily high-fiving you. "Good-job partner"

"Sorry I couldn't have been more help. I feel so bad that you practically did everything yourself" you say feeling ashamed.

"Are you kidding? Dont feel bad - Tonight was great! I got to spend time doing my favourite thing with my favourite person" he replies, making you feel instantly better. Turning off the lights and exiting the room, Warren returns his hand around yours, both of you slowly walking through the dark hallway. Maybe it was the complete darkness that fills you with confidence, your body suddenly stopping which also brings Warren to a stop. You turn to face him, leaning forwards to plant a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you so much, Warren. You're seriously a hero" you whisper into his ear. Slowly leaning back away from him, your face is captured by his hands preventing you from pulling away. He must have been filled with the same random burst of confidence you've experienced as he is quick to firmly plants his lips against yours. You breath in his sweet scent, the warm feeling returning in your chest only 100x more intense. His lips are as soft as his hands making the kiss only sweeter. Although you are both inexperienced, your lips seem to fit perfectly with one another.

"Hello?" a deep voice calls out from a distance. "I know someone's in here!" Your eyes burst open, quickly pulling away from your perfect kiss. You instantly recognize the male voice, it belonging to none other than David Madsen, the schools security officer.Someone must have seen the lights shining through the classroom window.

"I'm guessing we should run" Warren whispers to which you instantly respond, bolting to the exit with a giggling Warren by your side.

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