Chapter Three.

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ELENA STOOD IN FRONT OF Nina's makeshift memorial wall. A white banner was hung up with 'Miss you Nina!' written in black paint. There was a picture of her under with a wreath made of flowers surrounding it. She couldn't help but smile. Nina was a stone cold bitch most of the time, but it brought joy to Elena to see that so many people cared for her. Elena pulls a tulip out of her backpack and places it next to everything else as a courtesy act.

"Hey Elena," Brooke says and stares at the tulip.

"Good choice. Tulips were her favorite," Riley states, looking over the wall.

Elena nods her head in agreement, turning to look at Emma who was listening to something. Brooke and Riley start to head after her and Elena follows, as her brother was getting a ride from Will this morning.

Brooke grabs Emma's shoulder, "Emma!"

Emma lifts her head up in surprise, yanking out her earbuds.

"Hey, you could answer one of my texts, I know you're getting them. It says 'read'," Brooke says and Emma ignores her.

"Hi, Riley."

Brooke huffs, going to stand bedside Elena, who was walking next to Riley.

"What are you listening to?" Riley asks.

"Uh, that true crime podcast. They're covering Nina's murder," Emma responds, refusing to look at Brooke or Elena.

"AOC? I'm addicted."

"Don't they have like a crazy huge following?" Elena questions, glancing at Riley.

"Uh-huh. I can't believe that chick's talking about our Nina," Riley brags.

"Oh Nina always loved to be the center of attention," Brooke scoffs.

"How is she still in the spotlight even when she's dead?" Elena questions, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Yeah, apparently, even with Will," Emma responds to Brooke's earlier remark.

"Emma wait," Brooke begs, "Look, I'm sorry. I should not have dropped Will's indiscretion like that at the party."

"You shouldn't have dropped it at all," Elena snarls, referring to her and Will.

"No, you should've told me when you found out," Emma retorts.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. It's just, you know how Nina could be if you crossed her. I mean she'd terrorize you. Seriously, I was scared of her," Brooke admits.

Elena couldn't help it anymore and she bursts out, "Em, I'm sorry."

Emma looks at her in shock, a glint of hate still gleaming in her eyes.

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