Chapter 11

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¤Night; Jan 5, 2009
The abandoned observatory
Mt. Alliance¤

Aleena had come back and given Aphmau shoes. It was pretty late and everyone was asleep. Aphmau was just laying on the first floor of the observatory.

Suddenly, she heard a door creaking open. She shot up instantly, staring at the slowly opening door.

"W-Who's there?" Aphmau asked shakily. Suddenly, a familiar face poked its head through the doorway.

"K-Katelyn?" Aphmau said in shock.

"Aphmau!" Katelyn ran to Aphmau, practically suffucating her with a hug.

"It's really you! You're here! I can't believe I found you. Oh, I've been so worried!" Katelyn grabbed her hand and tried to pull her towards the door, but Aphmau broke free from her grip.

"Katelyn, you need to leave NOW! Please... If he finds out you're here--"

"If who finds out I'm here? Don't you want to go home...?" Katelyn sounded confused.

"Of course I do! But, I can't let you stay here. Please, Katelyn, leave! For your sake!"

"But... Aphmau..." Suddenly, they heard footsteps from the balcony. It was Aaron.

"Katelyn, leave, now!"

"Aphmau, who else is here? Did you... get kidnapped?! Aphmau, c'mon, we both need to leave!" Katelyn grabbed Aphmau's hand once more, dragging her to the door.

"No, Katelyn, you don't understand! Aaron--"

"Aaron?" Katelyn quickly turned around, letting Aphmau go.

"You really found Aaron?" Katelyn said, shocked.

"It doesn't matter right now! Leave!"

"Hey!" A commanding voice rang throughout the observatory. Aphmau and Katelyn froze instantly.

"No..." Aphmau murmered.

"Who are you?!" Katelyn yelled, ready to fight.

"I should be the one asking you that." Aaron stepped in the light, his eyes blood red instead of black.

"Hey! Don't move any closer!" Aaron didn't stop, but only came closer and closer to Katelyn and Aphmau. Katelyn stepped in front of Aphmau.

"Did you kidnap my best friend?!" Katelyn yelled, furious.

"Kidnap is a strong word, don't you think?" Aaron smirked at Katelyn, still getting closer and closer. Aphmau pulled Katelyn back, standing in front of her.

"Aaron, stop!" Aphmau yelled. Aaron stopped, looking at her.

"Don't hurt her! You can do anything you want with me, just don't hurt her. Please..." Aphmau begged as Aaron watched her.

"Wait... that's Aaron?!" Katelyn said. Aaron and Aphmau ignored her. Aaron stared at Aphmau intently.

"Anything?" Aaron narrowed his eyes at her and she froze. She looked him in the eye.

"Anything." Aphmau finished.

"Aphmau, no!" Katelyn yelled. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Aphmau was practically selling her soul to this red-eyed---

"Wait... red-eyed..? Aaron didn't have red eyes in the picture!" Katelyn thought in realization. This can't be Aaron... could it?

"Listen well." Aaron said to Katelyn. Katelyn looked at him. Aphmau was now standing beside him, looking down.

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