I Unsubbed From Aphmau and Here's Why

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   No, the title ain't clickbait. I really did unsub from Aphmau. And I have a good explanation, trust me.

   So, there's basically two main reasons. I'm kind of growing out of her content. Now don't get me wrong, I was hype for Mystreet S6, but I really didn't watch else she made. Mystreet was pretty much the only thing I watched, and considering it got delayed so much (which was so ridiculous and BluJay's own fault and you will see why soon) I really wasn't watching anything she created simply because I wasn't really into the stuff she created simply because I wasn't really into the stuff she was doing. Maybe I would watch a Never Have I Ever here and there, but it was rare. I just wasn't into her content much.

   Now if that was it, I probably would've stayed subbed, simply because I watched Mystreet and wanted to know when it was released. But then something a bit more... controversial happened.

   As you may or may not know, BluJay fired a LOT of their employees a little while ago. This included Will, Sean, Calvin, Jessie, and Kristina. Right before this happened, maybe a month or two before, Ross and Max left to focus on their own channels. According to the many employees who were victims of the BluJay purge (seriously, can we call it "The BluJay purge"? It's such a perfect name lol), while they expressed gratitude towards BluJay and Jess and Jason for their time there, some of them (I believe Jessie Jane) happened to mention that the relationship between BluJay and these former employees did not end well. The only reason BluJay gave to them for their termination was their "positions weren't needed", which we know it a load of crap, and BluJay (including Jess and Jason individually have no said anything on the matter anywhere.

   Now this by itself had me questioning my loyalty. I was incredibly disappointed in BluJay's behavior, and the fact that they would fire almost everyone right in the middle of production for Mystreet Season 6. But I have decided to stick with Aphmau out of long lasting loyalty and the desire to see what happened next in Mystreet.

   But come September, we see a lot of the truth start to come out. Episode 8 of Mystreet FINALLY aired, and I was pretty ecstatic. But I quickly noticed something that I feared would happen. Ross was not voicing Daniel. Part of me was actually surprised. Ross left of his own will with Max, right? He wasn't fired, so presumably they're still friends. Why wouldn't they have him play Daniel? It just wasn't the same without him.

   I got curious and looked to Ross' twitter in hopes to find answers as to why he wasn't playing Daniel. I was appalled by what I found.

 I was appalled by what I found

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   What. They never even tried to get him to voice Daniel??? I decided to look further into this.

 They never even tried to get him to voice Daniel??? I decided to look further into this

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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