Chapter 7

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¤Night; Jan 4, 2009
The abandoned observatory
Mt. Alliance¤

"I-I can't u-understand..." Aphmau was dreaming about what happened last night. She was on one of the metal tables on the first floor.

"Run before you walk..." She couldn't get it out of her mind... she... kissed him. That was weird enough. But he kissed back, so Aphmau guessed it helped and was okay... right?

"GAH! I'M SORRY I KISSED--! Oh... hehe... I was sleeping. Wait, where am I?" It took Aphmau a second to get her bearings, but she realized she was downstairs fairly quickly.

"Where's...?" She trailed off, looking around for Aaron. She saw a note stuck to her hand.

Thank you

That's all it said. No name, no nothing. Just 'Thank you'.

"Aaron must've left it here..." Aphmau blushed slightly, still thinking about their kiss.

"Aaron isn't here... where is--" but Aphmau cut her thoughts short as the observatory door opened. It was Aaron. He had a few scratches on his arm which he didn't have before. They looked fairly new, as they were still bleeding. Aphmau stared wide-eyed at him, not knowing whether to go up to him or leave him be. When Aaron noticed, he stared back at her for a moment, then walked toward her, holding his right shoulder.

"W-What happened?" Aphmau asked cautiously. Aaron didn't answer, but walked right past her, toward the junk table. He pulled out a first aid kit, wincing every time he moved his shoulder. Aphmau got up and walked up behind him.

"What are you doing?" Aaron asked sternly, not even looking at her.

"You're hurt..." Aphmau answered. Aaron paused for a second, then looked at her. Aphmau looked genuinely concerned, but Aaron didn't need her pity.

"So?" He said, continuing what he was doing.

"What happened?" Aphmau asked again. Aaron sighed, rolling his eyes. He turned back to her.

"Why do you care? Go. Away." Aaron clearly didn't want to talk about it.

"I understand if you're... embarrassed." Aphmau persisted, ignoring Aaron.

"What?" Aaron looked at her, puzzled.

"Well... after all you told me about the voices you heard and... how you started hearing my---" Aphmau was interrupted by Aaron's hand covering her mouth. He looked down and sighed, then he looked at her.

"Listen to me very carefully. You're lucky I spared you at all after last night. You are going to forget that I ever told you anything at all. Am I clear?" Aphmau paused, but eventually started slowly nodding.

"Good. Now do me a favor, and leave me alone." Aaron got incredibly close to Aphmau as he spoke. Aphmau tried as hard as she could to keep herself from blushing. Aaron pulled away and took one last glace at her before continuing what he was doing.

"No." Aphmau answered bravely.

"Heh... what?" Aaron looked back at her.

"Let me help you first. You're injured. Please?" Aphmau asked. Aaron sighed, shaking his head slightly too himself.

"Ugh... fine." He answered, rolling his eyes. Aphmau's face lit up. She knew if she was persistant, she could get through to him. But her smile immediately died and her face turned bright red. Aaron was pulling his shirt off with his left hand.

The Missing Strangerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें