Chapter 18: Threatened By Ian Shaw

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Chapter 18: Threatened By Owen Shaw

           Ian got away that night I was rescued but all I can remember is that Ian is out to kill Dom because he killed Owen Shaw and I don't know how to tell Dom or the rest of them or anything.

            "Honey we need to talk" Luke said.

           "I know we do, but I need to tell you something and you can't tell Dom or the others" I said "Promise me Luke."

             "I promise" he said.

             "Take out your phone and turn it off I can't have people hacking and turning it into a listening device at all" I said.

              I saw Luke take out his phone out and take the battery out and put it beside it, now that it is not on and can't be used.

            "Okay what is this all about?" he asked.

            "This is about Ian Shaw getting away" I said.

          "Okay what about him" he asked.

          "Ian is wanting to kill Dom's crew and he was going to start with Han when they were attacked in Tokyo, but that went sour when you guys showed up and now he's going to start with someone very close to Dom, like us for example, or Mia and Brian and Jack, or Letty and her pregnancy" I said.

           "How did you know about Letty?" he asked.

         "I have my ways Luke and plus I am pregnant myself so I would know if someone was pregnant, but sh don't tell Dom that I know because I know he didn't want me to know because of whatever it is that he worries about" I said.

        "I won't tell him because he's worrying about you and Letty, with her pregnancy and her remembering isn't a good thing Luke, I know what she is going through, because that is what I am going through as well as her, she just found out she's pregnant, I am a couple of months away of them being born" I said.

        "That's why you are on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy?" he asked, sounding a little upset.

        "Yes, that's part of the reason, the other reason is that I have been stressing a lot as well as the remembering part, the thing is Luke is that I still love you even though I remember things, I don't think my feelings would change after all the things I remember or what my past was like, even though I have some Toretto in me, I chose to stay with you even if I broke my own rule about dating a coworker" I said smiling.

       "You had a rule about dating a coworker? since when?" he asked teasingly.

       "Since I have been working with the FBI" I said.

       "That was a long time, how are we going to get through this? we both work with them and we have twins on the way? Ian is out there and he's going to start with us or Mia, Brian, Jack or Letty" he said "How am I going to protect you and our kids because I can't stay here and watch you every second of everyday and I can't do it both ways Aria."

         "Luke we will get through this we always have since I couldn't remember, with all the problems we had in the past I have always come back and helped and even with this pregnancy I have kept Dom safe from Ian but I don't know how long that will last for any of us but things always work itself out all on it's own, Luke I could have left before we got married but I stayed even though you work for the feds, I love you Luke Hobbs and I always will" I said.

         "Nice speech Aria, but will it save him and your unborn children?" Ian asked.

         "I know it will save him the pain I put him through, after what I did to save him and the rest, I know they won't understand but they will in time Ian, why did you come after we made the agreement Ian?  I thought we said after they are born?" I said.

        "Your smart Aria, you smashed your phone so I couldn't listen and then you tell Hobbs to turn his phone and take the battery out, but you forgot that other people have phones as well as you guys, it wasn't hard to find you guys at your safe house or houses" he said.

        "We do have an agreement but we never agreed to you still being with him or having contact with any of them" he sad.

        "I always keep my word Ian, I made that promise and you made me sign a the stupid thing and I can't get out of it until you die and I can't be the one to kill you" I said glaring at him.

       "Oh I know you keep your promises because you always lied to the feds about knowing about what Dom was up to and to your fiancé, because you promised to keep them safe before your own safety how do you think they feel when they realized you betrayed them to help me?" he asked.

        "Mind you Ian this is against my will, but to keep them safe I don't care about my safety I only care about theirs and I am doing just that, even if I do have to miss out on my own kids life just to keep them safe" I said.

       "Good just thought that you would have forgotten what was a stake" he said and left.

      "What is he taking about Aria?" Luke asked.

       "Nothing honey let's just get going we have stuff to do and we don't have to worry about Ian anymore not for awhile anyway" I said the last part was a whisper.

      "No Aria you have to tell me what's going on now" he demanded.

       "It's nothing for you to worry about Luke nothing is going to happen to us or them, so just leave this alone please" I said.

       "Aria" he said warning me.

        "You want to know why he came here is so I don't go back on my word, because we came to an agreement, that after the kids are born and when we are married I have to leave and he won't touch Dom or anybody he cares about, you can't tell Dom or the others because they are going to say that I can't do this, but I have to otherwise they are going to be killed" I said in one breathe.

         "Aria I am being serious here" he said "I thought you sa- wait you are being serious."

        "That took you long enough to figure out I wasn't lying to you, is that how little you trust me? or is that the agent in you coming out?" I asked.



I know it has been months or weeks or however long it has been since I updated this but it's finally here, and Aria's kids will be there soon and she is being threatened by Ian, just remember that she is only doing it to protect Dom and his family and hers so if she does anything against them in the next how other chapters there will be, she is not the bad guy in here, she a protector for them. just thought I let you know, that she doesn't hate them she just loves them so much that she is willing to leave her family until it is safe for her to come home to them.

Brian O'Connor's Little Sister (Fast and Furious Story) (Editting and Rewriting)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon