Chapter 1:Meeting Dominic Torretto

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Chapter 1:

I was just finished racing some guy in the streets and I'm will known too but they dint know that I'm related to cops and they never will, I was kicked out of my house because of my street racing my father thinks it's a waste of time but I think its great and its all I will ever need.

"Hey Torretto when are you going to race me huh?" I yelled at Dominic, Everyone knew Dominic and how he drives, he never loses a race, I was always too scared to race him but not today PAPI!

"How long has it been O'Connor? when are you ever going to learn that you can never beat me?" Dom said laughing

"How about we let the cars talk and see who wins, and I will take the respect when I beat you Torretto, no cheating" I said the last thing was a rule I say that to everyone.

"Now where's the fun in that O'Connor?" he asked rhetorically

Same conversation we have whenever we talk, I have only raced him once and I lose because he cheated but he said winning's winning. Ever since then I said no cheating to everyone I race.

"But a'ight I'll race ya" he said "I have heard someone say the respect thing before do you know Brian Earl Spilner before?"

I froze that's my brother's undercover name when he was assigned this case to catch Torretto. I can't say I know him "Nah man why would I don't know anyone named Brian, I have an older brother I don't know what happened to him though" I said.

"Let's race Dominic" I said.

We both got in the car. "Ready?" the girl who is going to help start the race we revved our engines "set, GO!"

We both speed out of there and just raced I was a little behind but not by much, we're close to the finish line and I was ahead, it kept changing from me ahead to Dom and back again but Dom pressed his NOS.

"Too early Dom, too early" I said while chuckling, then pressed my NOS.

I won the race fair and square. "your good, ....for a rookie" he said once he passed the finish line "I ain't no rookie Dominic" I said "I've raced a lot and I am well known"

"What are you talking about? You don't race because your a cop O'Connor we don't like cops!" he all but screamed at me "like I said Dominic I may be a cop but I sure as hell don't act like one!" I yelled straight back at him.

How dare he bring that up. I ain't no snitch just because I work for the assholes doesn't mean I like, I've tried to quit but they just say your hired after awhile because I am not going behind bars again.

"O'Connor your up Spilner wants to race ya" someone said while me and Dom glare at each other.

"A'ight what he got?" I asked looking away from Dom.

"Look for your self" said the same person who called me.

Brian's here wanting to race he's about to lose to his younger sister ha thinks he can beat me I am just as good as Torretto I made sure of that.

Brian has one hell of a ride it's expensive too. "Nice it's expensive too" I said.

Be prepared Brother your just about to have your ass handed to you on a silver platter!

"Ready?" revved engines "SET!....... GO!" they yelled we speed away and I was ahead by a lot Brian maybe good but I am better, I've bee at this along time and he's been at it since he started working for Harry.

I won against Brian. "You just lost your car because you used a pink slip, Brian oh Dom tell him what we all have to repair in the stuff he broke in the car" I said smirking at Brian.

Once we finished that race the police came and of course we ran from them. I just left but I saw Dominic and Brian stranded on the side of the street I guess Tran found them and blew up the car typical.

"Get in" I said to them. "Thanks" Brian said once he was in the car.

"Brian you owe Dom a 10 second car and that's bad" I said laughing. "You remembered that while you were with us?" Dominic sounded surprised when I said that.

"Well of course I do, I did the same thing 'member?" I said and laughed "this time I don't owe you a car you just owe me money, fork it over."

"Wait a second where are we going and who are you?" Brian said from the back seat being confused because he can't know me all because of this.

"We're going to Dom's house where everyone of his team is and usually one of them comes and gets Dom but they all get to scared and don't come at all, but I guess you picked him up, got trapped by Tran and his gang, now here we are, me picking your asses up off the street, here we are home sweet home, oh and I am Aria O'Connor."

Sticking my hand out to Brian we shaked hands but had a knowing look in our eyes that we're going to talk later but for now just pretend not to know each other.

"Here" Dom said handing money over to me I took it and stuffed it into my pockets.

"See ya later" I said.

"Wait come inside for couple seconds" Dom said "A'ight" I said.

I walked behind them and I saw Mia at the window and waved at her. I just laughed at her, she so likes my brother.

"Hey Dominic we we're just going to come looking for you" Leon said.

Wrong move brother. "What's the buster doin' here" Vince asked harshly.

"Because the buster brought Dominic back now clam the hell down V!" I yelled at him "he kept Dom out of hand cuffs."

"Thanks Aria and Brian want anything to drink?" Dominic asked "yeah I'll go get myself one see ya around Brian" I said and walked away from them.

"Enjoy that it's Vince's" I heard Dom say to Brian. I just laughed.

I left and went to my car, heading home for tonight and I waited until Brian came out, what surprised me is that Mia is driving Brian home.

I took a short cut so they would think I left earlier which I kind of did I just didn't want Brian suspect anything. He already knows I race and everything. He knows a lot more than just that.

Brian's POV

I am in the car with Mia we are taking about things and when we got to my house I saw Aria's car in the Garage. "Hey isn't that Aria's car?" Mia asked "no it's not" I said after awhile.

What is she doing is she trying to blow my cover?

"Oh it's just it looks a lot like her car I was just wondering is all" she said and I got out of the car and said bye to Mia.

Mia is driving home in her car. I walked inside and saw Aria leaning against the kitchen counter. "What are doing here? are you trying to blow my cover?" I yelled at her, she didn't even flinch.

Aria's POV

"No, Brian all I wanted to do is talk to you, and this is what I get when I come home" I yelled back, I was about to walk out of here when he grabbed my arm.

"Sorry but I need to know when my little sister decides to come home after not being home for awhile because she's too busy helping the criminal that she's suppose to arrest" he says.

"Your right but in case you haven't noticed Brian I don't want to be with the Feds or the cops" I said "Sorry I didn't mean to say that it's just they have been on my ass since you "turned"" he said

I may have known Dom along time but Brian doesn't know that, and he never will.


Until Next time chicas

Brian O'Connor's Little Sister (Fast and Furious Story) (Editting and Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now