Chapter 14: Date and The Proposal.

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   Chapter 14: Date and The Proposal.

        Brian's POV.

          I may not know Aria now but she has the same taste she has always have, Letty drives the same too.

             When Luke came here freaking out, because he didn't know how to get Aria back, but I slapped him and he clamed down.

             When Aria wanted to go out I told Dom, Mia, Han, and Gisele to help him with the prefect date and how to propose to her.

            He was nervous none the less, because he didn't want her to say no.

    Letty's POV          

              We all liked to have Aria around and all but she was depressed without Luke, she needed him.

           I loved to have her around but she needed to get out of her depressed phase and I was glad when Luke came to his senses after there fighting on again off again for four months Aria deserves happiness.

           I spent time with Jack Mia and Brian's son, I wanted a baby of my own so much, but that can wait until we are ready.

           Dom and I have been getting to know each other again because I don't remember him at all, but he knows everything about me.

          Han and Gisele are getting ready to head out to Tokyo soon because they want to live there.

         I am glad for them, and for Roman he's just going to stick with just being single and got for any women he finds I guess.

         Our little family is good and safe as Dom says.

     Luke's POV.

        When Brian said to wait until Aria is out of the house so we can get things together it was hard to figure out what to do, then Dominic said to have it in the forest and have a table for two and have lights to lead to the table and have it surrounded with lights.

      I knew she was going to love it. I want to propose to her there and I had Mia come with me to find an engagement ring.

      Eventually I found the prefect one to give to her.

Aria's POV.

           Luke was talking about something at work. "Luke honey why did you want to do this date?" I asked because I am curious and I am pregnant.

          "Because I want you to come home and I miss you even though it has been four months since we have been on and off again fighting" he said.

       "I'll come home only if I can just stay there without us fighting because I don't like when we fight" I said.

     "Okay I have something for you" he said smiling at me.

      He handed me a velvet box and it said Michael Hill on it. I opened it and was surprised to see what was in it.

          "Aria Elizabeth O'Connor will you do the honoring of marrying me?" he asked on one knee.

        I started crying, it was a beautiful ring and Luke's face was so cute when he didn't know what to do when I started crying.

        "Yes I will marry you Luke" I said through the tears.

          We continued the date, we talked about everything we have done and what we worried about.

         The twins started kicking in my stomach. Luke felt them kick.

          "This is amazing just simply amazing baby" Luke said happily.

         "I know right I can't believe their kicking, we need to figure out baby names for girls and boys" I said.

          We both went back to our house after stopping by at Dom's to let them know about everything.



  hope you enjoyed this chapter!




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Brian O'Connor's Little Sister (Fast and Furious Story) (Editting and Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now