Chapter 16: Ian Shaw Kidnapping a Pregnant Woman.

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 Chapter 16: Ian Shaw Kidnapping A Pregnant Woman.

     We saw Ian leave my house to we called the guys and told them that he left and all, but they are so overprotective that they are still coming to the house to check on us to make sure that nothing happened to us or the baby, mainly me but whatever.

       Just as we were leaving I got a phone call and it said Owen Shaw calling, I was very curious and I knew we shouldn't leave the panic rooms until we know for sure that he left so I checked all the cameras, but it turns out that he hadn't left the house he was waiting and I am glad that the guys are coming.

       "Guys wait I have to make a phone call" I said and just answered Ian.

        "Hello?" I questioned like I didn't know who was calling.

         "I see you haven't lost your touch Aria I was really hoping to see you and you friends and I am wanting to congratulate you on your pregnancy" Ian said.

         "Well I guess Ian is that your going to have to wait because you can't get to me because you don't know where I am right now Ian and I was hoping it wouldn't have to come to this because I really don't want to kill you like I did Owen" I said sadly, even though I hated them both because they always changed the plan.

        "Well I guess I am just going to have to find my lover aren't I?" he said, I have him on speaker phone.

      "Ian I have no idea what your talking about because I never remembered being a lover to you or anybody with that crew whatsoever" I said.

      "You said you loved me and that if anything happened was to just find you and never let you go, I think you said that to Owen as well Aria I was really hoping you would just give up this silly little game and just see me, unless your scared" Ian said mocking me.

     "Ian it's not nice to mock people and a pregnant woman at that I just wish you would let go of me because I never said I loved either of you guys and I never will I love Luke and it is his children I am having not yours or your dead brother Ian" I said.

      "Aria don't do that to him he could seriously hurt you if he finds us and then he'll kill us all starting with you" Mia said a little panicky.

     "Relax Mia it's not like he can find us in France or anything I mean come on it's not like he is going to jump on a plane to France just to find us" I said laughing.

   "Oh so your not at home? Then what am I doing here?" Ian said, he said walking away from the house just as the guys showed up.

      "Actually wait maybe we are at home Ian it's just that we don't want to be killed what if I joined you and told you what they would do?" I said, because Ian is going to kill them if he sees them.

     "That actually sounds like a good idea but minus the you telling me what they do part because I could care less about them because I know that I am hurting them by just having you Aria and then they would do whatever just to get you back" Ian said "unless you can get me Dominic Toretto and let me kill him" Ian said.

   "I'm sorry Ian but I can't do that just to get Dominic because he is my family and I would do anything to protect him and the rest because Dominic isn't the one that killed Owen it was me and me alone Ian" I said as seriously as I could.

     "What are you doing we are trying to keep you here and not try to get you killed" Letty whispered to me.

      "I am trying to keep you guys safe and if this is the way to do it then I am taking my chances without anyone getting killed because almost everyone was targeted by Ian and that is including me as well but he knows who really did kill him and I am trying to do it my way before anyone is hurt on my watch and plus he won't kill me because I am pregnant" I whispered back with my hand over the part you speak into.

Brian O'Connor's Little Sister (Fast and Furious Story) (Editting and Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now