Oh, my God. He was here. He was singing to me. But why?

"Don't watch the clock,
I paid some dude to make it stop
But we won't worry 'bout tomorrow
There's no sorrow in this fairy tale I wrote

I gotta say
You still take my breath away
That look reminds me of that day
You scratched your number on that yellow post-it note

And now you're my Cinderella
We're two birds of a feather
I'll even sing to you acapella
You're so hella good looking tonight
My Cinderella
Whenever you need some shelter
We can stand under my umbrella
Need no fortune teller to say it's forever with you
Oh, I know it's forever with you

Check out those stars
I picked 'em up one day on Mars
And you thought I was at the bar
Well okay maybe there's a little truth to that

As I was sayin'
If you squint a certain way
You'll see they kinda spell your name
Just a little
Okay maybe that's a stretch

But you're my Cinderella
We're two birds of a feather
I'll even sing to you acapella
Or until you've had enough

Cause you're my Cinderella
And I'm your kind of fella
I wanna kiss you there and tell ya
You're so hella good looking tonight
My Cinderella
Whenever you need some shelter
We can stand under my umbrella
Need no fortune teller to say it's forever with you
Oh, I know it's forever with you

Yeah, and I mean forever with you
Oh, I know it's forever with you"

By the end of it, I was crying. I couldn't help it. It was too beautiful. Jake also got insanely emotional because I was emotional. Once he had finished, he ran to me, taking me swiftly in his arms. I was almost ready to kick his ass, but then he did the unthinkable.

He got down on one knee.

HOLY SHIT! Accalia screamed and I agreed with her.

"Ariel, I have this magical feeling that you wanna kick my ass right now. But I need you to hear me out."

I nodded, still crying and in shock from all of this.

"The kids in our pack are all fine. The boulder? It's a fake. The kids aren't even trapped, I just needed an excuse to get you over here. Everyone's part of this."

I was stunned, to say the least.


I calmed down immediately as he grabbed my left hand.

"I promise you, I would never intentionally neglect our pack. I wanted to ask you something. Something very special for us both. Something very specific."

"W-W-What?" I sniffled.

Jacob took a deep breath.

"Ari, I love you. You know I do. You're perfect in every way and I chased you all those years ago for that reason. You were my perfect mate, and you still are. I'll always continue to run after my Cinderella, and I'll never stop being your prince. You are the best damn Luna, and I'm so thankful that you never gave up on me and our pack in the two years I was in that coma for.

"I'll never stop loving you, and I'm beyond content with that. I want our future with our pack and our pups one day. We'll do everything one step at a time, together like we always have. I never gave up on you then, and I won't give up on you now.

"So, for us to begin the next chapter of our lives together... I want to ask you one question."

Oh, God. Is he-

"Ariel Willow Black, my beautiful mate and saving grace... Will you marry me?"

Yes, Accalia. He is.

I almost couldn't speak.

So all I did was nod. Profusely.

"Yes," I sobbed.

He slipped the beautiful ring on my finger, taking me into his arms and crying with happiness. We both cried with joy.

"God, I am so glad you said yes Ari. Listen, if you don't like the ring it's fine I totally understand and we can-"

I interrupted him with a kiss.

"It's perfect, Jake. I love it, and I love you."

He smiled at me with so much love in his eyes.

"I love you, too."

He kissed me again, and I was the happiest I've ever been in my life. And that was all that mattered. I was engaged to the love of my life, to my soulmate.

Nothing else mattered. We were just in total bliss.

The Narrator.

We still have a little bit left of our story to tell.

This one... Does it have such a happy ending?


I think we'll see what happens in the next one...

May the best wolf win...

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